The players need our support Saturday more than ever .Sure it being on tv and early kick off will mean a crowd of less than 4,000. In 2 minds whether to watch at home for free and save a few quid or to take the wife and kids .
I will be there…turn up and support the team I say. Since the Bradford game they deserve all the help they can get from supporters.
I only support this team because they represent the club I love.
On an individual basis, half of theses players can do one for me!
Probably stay in Liverpool, go the pub and watch it there.
Feel a bit guilty about doing that but as a ST holder the club have got my money and the state of the M6 makes it prohibitive.
I hope I’m drawing the confused looks that tend to accompany over excitement whilst watching a game that nobody else in the pub gives a toss about.
I once spent a night in a bar in Lagos, Portugal watching a Jimmy Walker masterclass knocking Nottingham forest out of some cup competition surrounded by Manure supporters who came into the bar demanding that another game be found on the TV.
By the end of the evening we were all very drunk and cheering the saddlers on!
Watching it on the box. I could go but I can’t be arsed and money’s tight this month.
Have to agree with @P.T on the state of the M6 at the moment, my journey down from Manchester has been tough these last couple of years. Nonetheless I’m going as usual. Fools errand perhaps but I tie it in with other things down that way so it makes sense.
Not feeling optimistic though. Amazing how much more enjoyable my journey home is after a win though, so your move Saddlers.
I probably won’t even watch it on the box
I shall be in London and like Terry and Bob shall be trying to avoid the result till I can watch it later.
Extremely difficult to admit, but me neither
Whatever it was that has kept me hanging on over the last 3 decades is defo on its way out - and thats really sad
I find it so sad that so many of us are beginning to feel this way about the club we love and used to call our own.
I was a season ticket holder for quite a few years then got ■■■■■■ off with the way it was being run , but have started to go again regularly only to start feeling the same …why the ■■■■ support a club that has sucked the life from the supporter , and showed absolutely no ambition to progress
At um.
I’ll be there after doing a night shift UTS
I won’t be there or watching on TV as I’ll be driving up to the wilds of Scotland for a weeks walking.
If I wasn’t, I’d be there.
Lucky man…hope the weather is kind.
And you should be a bit early for the midges! Whereabouts are you going?
You know what they say - No such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.
Still, I hope doesn’t last it down all week.
Cairngorms - north eastern side, based in Tomintoul.
Yep…have a good time. I love Scotland but my long walking days are over but am still capable of a decent stroll.
We met a lovely couple from Largs in scotland on holiday in Tenerife about 10 years ago. And they invited us up over a bank holiday weekend, it rained that much we couldn’t get out of the house for 3 day’s because it was flooded everywhere