Bradford Tickets on sale

I’ve only ever once not got a ticket for a Walsall game I wanted to go to and that Was Burton in the almost promotion season. Went in the home end. I’ve had a few lucky escapes.

I get what you are saying about being on the ball but for an allocation that small, I think stricter criteria should be in place.

Not that many years ago I used to pay for matches on the day, travel and getting in the ground. In the past week, I have paid for Cheltenham and now Bromley, coach and tickets for me and the lads. Beans on toast for tea every night soon!


Just got mine and the kids. Allowing 2 per season ticket

Got my 4. I was on hold 10 minutes as soon as the ticket office opened

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We’ve sold 180 atm so still plenty left.

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That’s over a 3rd of them gone in two hours.

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You know full well that if he does that he’ll never find them again.
The number of things I’ve lost over the years by putting them somewhere safe!


Can never understand when people lose stuff and say “ I found it in the last place I looked “ logic is then, you should look in the last place first.

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24 tickets left for Bromley!


Don’t know that one was it Gene Pitney


Bromley now sold out apparently

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Got mine too

Can’t believe we’re only taking 467 to Bromley!
Tinpot club.

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Yes, notice up on the club’s eTicketing site.

Is there any way to get coach travel for Colchester. Thinking about going this Saturday from Preston…

Preston to Walsall, get hypothetical coach to game and back then drive back to Preston.

Is it possible?

ISSA coach is sold out.

Could try Locko’s Away Days,

Since when has Preston been in the south west? :thinking: :grinning:

Haha it’s my North West period of work til end of season… so bleak in comparison :laughing:

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Ive never had my wife on a case. Ive done a table and a bean bag though.


What can I say, she’s an adventurous woman :joy:

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You could try the “official” travel section - [email protected]

Or are they now the Saddlers Swifts Away Travel? (who posted on Facebook that they have 2 seats left for Colchester - but already none for Bromley!)

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