Interview with Adam Davy and Simon Hill

It is a delight to bring you this double interview with Adam Davy and Simon Hill.

Adam updated us on some of the schemes and work the Walsall FC Foundation do, whilst reflecting on 30 years working there, as well as telling us about national recognition for their work.

Simon spoke about the power of the fans, improving matchday atmosphere and something about the match against Crewe…

Above all that, he highlighted some of the people off the pitch that are making a big impact

This is a pod to make Saddlers fans feel proud!

Amazon/Audible -

Apple Podcast - Episode 66: Interview with Ada–Yellow Ribbon Podcast – Apple Podcasts

Spotify -


@yellowribbonpod What chances getting Ben Sadler on ? The way he is talked about by others at the club would make him a great guest


Can you get Andy cook , ash Taylor or cam Norman on ?

Can we get some more post game pods pls - now we have things to celebrate, the post games have gone silent!

We would love to get him on, especially after hearing the way Adam and Simon have spoken about him in this episode

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If you get them to say yes, we will gladly have them on :wink:

We will try to include some post match chats in the upcoming episodes.

With it being bi-weekly it is tough to chat about the games given how quick fire they are but I am sure we can get more in to what we are discussing