Jimmy Walker

Who cares when someone posts here :joy: Aren’t you a grown man? Just take a step back and look at what you’re moaning about :man_facepalming:


Thanks for that fantastic advice, much appreciated…:roll_eyes:

Would it irritate you more or less, if ISSA didnt put these great events on and as a result DH didnt post about it?!

Absolute nonsense of a contribution haha. Right up there :trophy::trophy:


We at the Yellow Ribbon Pod are delighted to say that Jimmy Walker will be our next guest

We are chatting with him next week, so any questions, please let us know below!


@yellowribbonpod stop hijacking the thread. Wait till Sid has finished throwing his Wobler at DH



My bad!


How often do you post on here ? I forewarn you that your activity is being monitored and may be considered to be irritating especially if it is just to promote your organisation, you are being watched👁️


Only when I have something to promote :joy:


Brilliant :joy::joy::joy:

You need to do something about that yellow scarf at least make it half and half :wink:

Tickets on sale from railway Club from Saturday

Sure to be a total sellout so please get your tickets to avoid disappointment


Do I dare ask for what you would suggest the other half to become?

Absolutely agree with this event being publicised on here. It is an inclusive event that can be enjoyed all Saddlers fans.

However, it is dissapointing when sectarian tat gets peddled on UTS. That is not inclusive.

Yes, I know ‘hundreds’ of people buy it. But, frankley, that is nothing to be poud of.


There is of course this resource for these things on here, just sayin’.

That is fair enough,

How do you find it though, I can get to it clicking on the link you posted but I have never seen that before and can’t find it by just looking around the site.

Type it in search bar. It’s found under ‘All about Walsall’ section of the forum, but the only activity was in May 2020 so will be buried quite deep, until a post is made in there obviously…

It’s been two weeks since we had a game think it’s been showing last couple of days,nothing to vent our spleen on.:crazy_face: hopefully we can all get back to normal tomorrow.

No idea really :laughing:. Just remembered that it existed and put it as a search.

What was the game I went to last Saturday then? I’m sure it was Walsall.


Bloody hell - what was I doing in Accrington last Saturday? :thinking::grin: