New Years Day - Newport Game Possibly Postponed?

As it stands at the moment we only have 3 midweek games between now and the end of March so there’s plenty of time to fit rearranged games in.

2 of those 3 were original fixtures from start of the season (Scunthorpe A on 8th Feb and Oldham H on 15th March) with the other one now the already rearranged Swindon away game on 22nd Feb.

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Question is the season was ended early again or no spectators allowed would you leave your money in for a second season or would you want a half refund? X

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Nope, either them or us will be sneezing by then

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I’ll be taking every penny I’d be eligible for back out. Fock em.


They not only took the piss, they are still doing it :wink:

9 points above relegation after today. With a fixture pile up looming, the Monthe situation and the issues that continue to arise from the insanity of covid, another dodgy January would have me very twitchy. I hope Mr. Pomlett has a plan to strengthen (at least moderately) rather than leave things to chance and the vagueries that could easily conspire to send our season into a tailspin very similar to last season.


I’m surprised clubs that have no covid issues haven’t been able to move fixtures forward against other clubs with no issues.

Like we could go 4/5 weeks without playing a game and we have a fully fit side, would save us having to play 25 games for the rest of the season on a Saturday/Tuesday/Saturday constant basis.

Whole thing is becoming a joke really.


And just 5 points off the play offs with a game in hand against a couple of the teams between us and 7th

After 21 games last season we were 1 point off the play-offs and 13 clear of relegation, therefore in a better position that we are now, then January unfolded under the current regime. We have considerably more dependence on loan players that at the same stage last season that’s the basis of my twitchiness going into January.

I’ll be taking the money in my back pocket. Having my name on a shirt or plaque really isn’t enough ‘thanks’ - the club really need to do more.

I imagine the money will largely have been spent. More likely offer people a reduction on next seasons ST and reduce the budget accordingly.

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This sounds like the more likely scenario I’m afraid.
As much as we’re all a bit pissed off with the lack of signings etc if we did have our money back out the club they would have another built in excuse to reduce the playing budget even more next season .
It’ll be a tough decision for many about whether to leave their money in or have it back as at the end of the day as all we want is a football team to be proud of again and by reducing our support financially will only make things worse.


I am looking at it like this. Without turning it into a Covid debate, on a football level you have to ask yourself if the season gets cancelled this season or fans are not allowed again, then what is the future for football at this level.

I can’t see into the future but it is a probability that this kind of thing will happen every winter for some considerable time. I definitely wouldn’t want to do anything to harm the club I love but it is hard to see beyond all of this.

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If you are correct then it makes sense to either run the season from say March to November or to take a mid season break in winter.

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I hope I am completely wrong. I think playing during the warmer months of the year is one of the options available. It won’t survive if seasons are having to be cancelled or fans being excluded all the time.


If it was ever changed to just watching games only on Ifollow each week like we had to endure the first time covid started then that’ll be me finished as a football fan .

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I’m gonna presume this game would have been postponed by now if there players out with covid was still an issue as the EFL would know if they were still in their isolation period or not? Im presuming isolation ends before this game

Great question, think I would be having the money back. Partly due to rising costs elsewhere and partly due to me beginning to get exasperated with the club and the “meh” feeling it gives me.


Lot of unnecessary doom and gloom on this thread in my opinion.

I can’t see this season being cancelled so no point deciding if you want money back. I also think that the games can be rescheduled even if the season needs to be extended by a couple of weeks.

Bags10 is spot on, why not bring matches forward if for instance our opponent on New Years day cancels and one of our future opponents is also without a game.

The main problem is that fans can adapt but clubs can’t.

Is this game on or not surely to God they would have said it was off by now if it was . I wonder if Newport are selling away tickets that’s probably the best way of finding out :rofl: