Questions to club

During. The lockdown of club Issa still have lines of communication. Available to. Board members

We will be sending a list of questions over to club on Monday. , so if there is. A valid question anyone wants asking. Please. Let me have it by Sunday
19th , in order to collate

The first question Issa will be asking is. Have the club had any contact with Suffolk life. In relation to negotiating a rent free period. For the duration the stadium is. Unable to be used, and if so what was the outcome, if such a rent free period has been negotiated. How long is it for, And if one is not being made available, What are the reasons for the refusal

Second item being put to them is
Are club prepared to. Make next seasons, season tickets. Available at the early bird price. Right up until the time. The next season commences , given the financial uncertainty many fans may be facing

As said if anyone wants to put a question forward we will ensure it’s put to club, And. Will endeavour to get a board member to respond. And answers received will be put up on here