Tommy Coakley

Fair. My memory has dredged something up about a condition the young Kelly had. I’m sure he had one leg longer than the other which caused issues as he developed.

I may have dreamt this.

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Perthes Syndrome, I think

We share dreams then. :grimacing:
I can’t think what it was, but like you I think it was something that made one leg shorter, or weaker, than the other. As a child anyhow, I don’t know if it was still affecting him when he was 19/20 years old.

Just noticed the Ned Kelly thread on here which kind of renders our meander on this thread slightly moot. But we were all there or thereabouts in terms of his formative years by the looks.

He could have got a job sweeping the roadside gutters.


Instead…he got a job sweeping floors at Cadburys!