Where does Matt rank in worst Walsall forwards list?

We have had worse. Why doesn’t his hand heal though?

Might just be strapping to prevent an injury. Hes probably had mid wrist fracture in the past. If hes gone in for a big header and landed onto an outstretched hand the force might of permanently damaged one of his wrist bones (id guess a lunate fracture)

Or its a ritual, which is why I dont believe he isnt trying. I feel its a psychological block of some sort. You cant just lose ability, i bet it breaks him every time he reflects on a performance vs his past.

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Google “Jamille Matt hand injury” at your own discretion :nauseated_face::sweat_smile:

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Draper runs like he’s running through quicksand but at least Draper uses his attributes to his advantage way more than Jamille does.

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Strange thread.

He’s not what we wanted when we signed him

He’s miles off it.

He’s under delivered massively

But he’s clearly a good pro and a good character

Plus he’s nowhere near some of rubbish we’ve had. I thought Gafney, Grimes, Barrowman, Mads Tim, Lee Bradbury, Carlos Caniero we’re all rubbish


But most of them at least tried!
When I learn that we actually paid a fee for him, my blood boils, complete waste of a shirt when he is on the pitch, might be a ‘nice lad’ or ‘comes from Walsall’ that is no excuse for Sadler constantly having him in the side in the hope that one day he might get back to his old self. With Matt in the side we are playing with 10 men + plus a big guy who gets bullied by all defenders, can’t control a ball, can’t head a ball, can’t 'lay off a ball to the same coloured shirt and constantly plays with his back to goal…and he’s supposed to be a striker!

Yeah looks bad! Not sure why he needed a stretcher though… His legs still work.

Not even that long ago!

Gijsbert bos was worse than anyone

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Some shockers in this list. But my vote is to you guessed it our current Douglas James Taylor. Can’t control, trap, or pass the ball I’d certainly take quite a number on that list in preference to young Doug

Lets say he scored 5 this season… Would he remain at the top of the list?

(I am being generous with 5)

My favourite Le Carre book :+1:


It’s almost as if you’re obsessed with Doug Taylor, a young player with some good attributes, and some he needs to improve on and improve he will, albeit possibly not here with his lack of game time. I’d be looking to loan him out in January if he doesn’t start to make an impression although with the increasing likelihood of Matt and Draper leaving he might become much more important to us.

I think he’ll start at FGR in midweek and I’m backing him to bag a goal.


Agree 100% he needs to go out on loan Rushall maybe?


Bica for short wasn’t it?

Ngoo was much worse… the lad looked like he won a raffle to play

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Matt is worse that al the others when you take into account his fee and wages
He has cost the club more than any of the other players mentioned except maybe makris
Therefore Matt while not a worse player than ngoo gaffney osei-yaw etc is a significantly worse signing

Makris ffs what a joke that was :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Bica was our top paid player supposedly when we signed him and we got nothing out of him at all, except for some amusingly incompetent performances in the reserve team. He was subbed early in one reserve match and disappeared, and turned up a year or two later at Deportivo Wanka, fittingly.

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Ftfy… :wink:

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Football is about opinions and young / not young I see nothing positive in Doug. He can’t trap or control the ball. Pretty fundamental I would say