Does anyone know why we have not played in our 2nd (blue) kit so far this season?
It seems like we have had a number of opportunities to do so - Crawley on Saturday would be a good example.
I don’t mind the mint green 3rd strip, but prefer the blue myself.
We haven’t got a blue 2nd kit it’s black. I think it has been worn once not a 100% sure.
Think the second kit last season 2018/19 was blue , but must say when you go away 50% of the supporters are wearing our mint kit (me included) , and looking round on home games it’s the same
My bad, Gavin.
I was getting confused with last seasons’s 2nd strip.
The fashion industry gets it on the neck for selling disposable clothes, but football clubs aren’t much better. We know why they change kits every season, even when the sponsor hasn’t changed.
Disposible? I’ve got about 10 old Walsall tops in a draw at home. No chance of them going to landfill!
I’ve got loads too - from what was a baggy M in the 80s, through L, XL … to what is now a just-about-fits 8XL!! (I hasten to add that my other clothes aren’t that size - I think whoever puts the labels in the kit they have in the club shop is doing it at random!)
David, I think last season our “second” kit (the Paris St Germain one) - in my view our best away kit in years - hardly got an outing after we introduced the 3rd kit, that grey shirt / lime green shorts combo. Disappointing.
So replaced well before they wore out, then.
All still in the circulation for the Tuesday night kickabout.
Also, what’s classed as worn out? The swift has already fallen off 17/18 3rd kit badge. Red Circle FC.
You know what I mean.
That lime green kit is the best Away top we have had for years. They were airing out the door for it last Home game. It’s popularity means we will probably play in it until we run out of stock