50 Years Ago Tonight Who Went

Was at the Old Trafford game.
Went to the Wellington, in Peel St, Hull to celebrate. Oddly there weren’t any other saddlers in there though there were a couple of Man U fans :grinning:

I was also at Old Trafford for the draw and FP for this famous evening.

As for the 1-0 a few years later, Gordon Hill scored the goal, Man Utd went on to win the cup and The Doc, when asked which game had been hardest on the way, said the one against us. Scant consolation, but a nice tribute.

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I was there in the cowshed as usual. I must have delayed my return to University to be there and came back again for the Newcastle and Birmingham games. I don’t remember too much of the detail though, other than the Buck’s penalty.

Also at both Old Trafford games in '75 and '77

Yes I was there. A great night under the lights. The moment when George Andrews was chopped down and the resultant penalty was banged home by The Buck was an amazing feeling.

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Yeah I can remember going to both games in 75&77 when we beat them in 75 I was in the street end but I can remember 77 when we played at old Trafford we where in the scoreboard end and there where loads of united fans in there think there where a few scuffles until the police marched them out can remember singing a song about when Southampton beat them the year before at Wembley

No disputing the penalty. United captain Martin Buchan chops down ‘Super George’ at the Street End.

Not quite sure how the segregation worked for the game, I guess ManU fans had a large slice of the non-Enclosure side

Also, if my fading memory serves me right, Man U weren’t actually in the top flight at the time, rather they were running away with Div 2 ?

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From what i remember i think they gave man utd half of the hilary Street end with segregated down the middle. The one and only time i remember that happening

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Yes they were in div 2 - the doc had shipped out all the ageing stars like best, charlton and law and put together a new young side that went straight back up.

Spot on Miah, i remember everyone being disgusted that they gave them half the Street End!

Who turned up at FP on a Friday night a few weeks later. He was player/manager of PNE. A crowd of over 10,000 and we won 2-0 with two headers from George Andrews.

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He probably doubled the attendance that night. Nobby Stiles was playing as well, but was less of a draw.

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… and Charlton got a right load of stick from the Saddlers faithful


Ah, segregation. When did that come in? Or did it drift in club by club?
I’m sure I remember going to away games in the early 50s with my mates (Brian Simmons is the only one whose name I remember) and going in by whatever entrance we fancied. Although it was usually the kids’ entrance then, years later, as adults, I’m sure we were still able to choose our own turnstile.
Can anyone elucidate?

For this specific game, a hastily erected fence was put inside the Hillary Street End on police advice roughly half way along that end and was removed in time for the next home game. So entrance was by the Laundry End turnstiles for Saddlers fans

They did - I was there to get my voucher too!

My money would be on Crod :wink:

My recollection is that it came in during the early seventies as hooliganism which started in the middle sixties became more widespread… Not sure if there was a single date but the police began to insist on segregation around that time. I was disappointed as I had many a good chat with opposition fans before then and it didn’t really solve the problem as the issues moved outside the grounds.

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Remember a skirmish breaking out on Wednesbury Rd, just past the General Hospital; bricks, stones being thrown by one set of supporters to another. As both in red and white scarves etc couldn’t tell who was who without getting closer, which I sensibly did not, keeping my distance until they were well away from me!

He only elucidates with his mistress, I believe…

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