Ability To Score

Could be premature on this I suppose, but it WAS our saving grace, and now we don’t look like scoring if we played for 3 hours.

This spells BIG trouble for me.

Seemingly built our attack around a teenager on loan from Lincoln. He’s done great, but it’s asking a lot for him to carry this team.

Matt is past it. There are clearly problems with DJ and DJT has shown nothing other than being vaugely athletic.

Poor squad building.

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Yet people believe Sadler is building something :grin:

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On paper it looked very good. DJ, Matt, Oteh, Draper and DJT plus some midfielders chipping goals here and there. Unfortunately, in football no one wins on paper.

They need still need good coaching . It’s all good on paper

DJ thrives on scoring goals, he’s miserable when he doesn’t. I’ve observed him off the ball recently, if he’s in the box and doesn’t get the ball he berates the player who failed to pass him the ball. I’m aware most strikers want the ball, but they’re not always open in the box, so if a teammate passes it to a more open player that’s where the ball should go.
Get over yourself Danny, this is a team sport.


Ability to keep a clean sheet should be the headline more than scoring goals. Until that’s solved we’re in big big trouble. It’s all a big mess

Fair point, it seems it is mostly Knowles he has gotten frustrated with, and he isn’t alone there.

Either way, did you see any of that from DJ last season? I can’t recall it. He seemed happy and part of something. I’m not saying who has done what here, but I am guessing there is more than one side to this story.

Young Freddy Draper has looked like he’s lost a bit of sharpness in the last couple of games, no surprise really after a small lay off. I do think Oteh has been more of a miss than most were anticipating, he’s not prolific but he is quick and that frightens defenders and he’s a big asset as an impact sub to stretch the game, his return can’t come quick enough. Also no surprise our goalscoring woes have coincided with a dip in form for our most creative player.

Knowles and Hutchinson. The latter is so frustrating, Tuesday night he just seemed to want to hold on to the ball when the pass was the better option most of the time.