Bradford Tickets on sale

Cheltenham under an hour away down the road :grin:

One wonā€™t get chance to abuse Cookie ā€¦
Andy Cook: Bradford City striker out for the season with ACL injury - BBC Sport

ā€¦ but we wish him well

At least I wonā€™t have to listen to my fellow Saddlers calling me an illegitimate fat sex offender this time :joy:


Brilliant :rofl::rofl:

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5,675 at home, 13th in the league.
965 away, 4th in the league (behind Bradford, Chesterfield and Notts)


Top man.

We always have a respectable away following and would imagine that average will be well over 1k come the end of the season.

As for our home support, would be nice to get that closer to 80% capacity of the stadium week in, week out which I think we would do in league one on the back of a promotion.

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Agree but one measurement Iā€™d like to know is the away following as a percentage of home as Iā€™m sure ours is impressiveā€¦

That said, youā€™d need to deduct the away following from the home teams attendance for a true picture etc

12.30 kick off is ruining games likes this, it will put loads off.

Itā€™s to far to travel without making a day of it, ridiculous.

Is that really true though? With a 12:30 kick off I know I can set off at about 7am and get to Bradford in plenty of time, watch the game and be home for say 8pm at the latest. Probably still enough time to have a bit of an evening out if I wanted

With a 3pm kick off I wouldnt get home until after 10pm and Iā€™d be worried about missing connecting trains and so on if I took the train.

Thatā€™s just my view though, perhaps others prefer the traditional 3pm kick off, I find 12:30 kick off makes away games far more manageable

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I think youā€™ll find a lot of people go for a pre match beer, especially those on the coaches.

For me itā€™s crap.


Fair enough.

ā€¦ and he wonā€™t get chance to score against us.

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Even with some coaches, you canā€™t have a pre match drink.

Reason why Iā€™ve stopped going on them, train is much better.

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Not as impressive as Salfordā€™s - the 60-odd they bring to us must be 90% of their home crowd. :joy:


True :rofl:

Depends if Gillingham stays on the international break weekend (probably not).

Long old trip and the temporary open stand must hold over 1k so will be plenty of tickets available for that if it goes midweek or even stays on the weekend.

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How many tickets do Barrow dish out? Iā€™ve not been there yet, could potentially be a promotion winning game.

12.30 on the cold in bradford .
No thanks Iā€™ll watch on sky

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Hopefully the atmosphere will be as good in your living room than it will be the away end at the match

Not many. Went there the other year and their away end was a building site.

Worst ground Iā€™ve ever been to.

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