when I wrote it I shuddered myself Belge because it was inevitable someone would put something.It’s one of the many reasons I love this site
Would take an away point here but would be nice to exact some revenge after their 90th whatever minute win against us
1-1 draw.
Be a few more today and tomorrow then some walk ups, maybe a following of c750 myself included. Not too bad considering we have a lot of away games this month
Seems like we have a tough game every week at the moment!!
Fancy a hard flight draw.
Going on Sat with a mate who was keen to come along (not a Walsall fan!) and looking forward to the buzz after Stockport especially. Anyone know of a pub near the ground that is Walsall fan friendly? Been to Tranmere a good few times over the years but never actually made it into a pub near the ground!
Hoping to go to Salford too (got 2 mates interested in going - again not Walsall fans) but it’s my wife’s birthday that day so not sure how to approach that one!!
Only consolation is that she is working till 8pm so wondering if I can use that as some sort of leverage!!
The Prenton Park right across the road from our end was OK when we played there first away game last season. And I believe the Mersey Clipper just up the hill was away friendly too.
All the pubs near the ground and in Birkenhead are friendly, in stark constrast to years gone by.
I would go far as to class Tranmere as one of the friendliest away trips nowadays from personal experience.
Always been in the Mersey Clipper and always been fine. Got Sky footy on. Meeting me mate Jonah at Lime Street early doors and will end up in the Clipper at some point
Edit: according to Prenton Park | Tranmere Rovers FC | Football Ground Guide
“Almost a stone’s throw away along Prenton Park Road is the Birch Tree, which also welcomes visiting fans. Previously called the Mersey Clipper, it has been refurbished and is now part of the Flaming Grill chain. Apart from offering food, it also has the benefit of showing Sky and BT Sports. You can also park in their car park for £5, the price of which is redeemable inside the pub against the cost of food and drink.”
535 sold, pay on day with no price increase
Looking at the Merseyside weather forecast, there are weather warnings from the Met Office about flooding. The game must be in danger as I reckon the pitch must be damp enough before that.
Plus gale force winds on Saturday afternoon.
Rain from 21:00 this evening till 6:00 tomorrow morning, I’d hope they’d just put the covers on over night.
Top away day. Personally just booze in Liverpool and then get the Merseyrail to where the Birkenhead bus station is and it’s about five minutes from there.
Funny about the above comment. I too went to the pre season friendly (oh the days of getting excited about Darrell Clarke) and it was raining so much they actually had to stop the game for five minutes and got the rollers out to make pitch less waterlogged!
This was in mid July 2019 so no heatwave that summer.
They installed a new drainage system in April 2020. Hopefully means the rain won’t cause to much of a problem.
Can’t make this game as I’m going to the Masters on a corporate which was too good to turn down. Pleased to see another healthy travelling audience, sure to be noisy and boisterous as ever.
This will be a tough test, make no mistake about it. Tranmere are a hard working side and have players with the ability to turn the game on its head.
Tough game . Expectations rising .
2-0 Saddlers
Many more coming along now we’ve signed Matt who weren’t before?
Just thought this, i reckon a few more will pay on the day