Danny Johnson Podcast

DJ talks about his life and times. Worth a listen this. If not already done so, need to subscribe to the channel to listen.
Danny Johnson - Walsall FC (Full Episode) (youtube.com)


I think Danny comes across as a nice likeable guy and is very good with these youngsters and their questioning. sounds like he’s still happy to be here tbh


I think this was filmed shortly after the Tranmere game (3 wins on the bounce mentioned). DJ comes across really well I think. Hope he stays with us.


Spoke to Danny a couple of times this season always got time for the fans good guy.


Yeah he’s a really nice fella, great with my daughter, spoke to her once, remembered her and always says hello.


Just had a listen to it and he’s a genuine nice bloke, really good interview. Hopefully he stays and finds he’s form again.


Yeah like him. the way sadz plays though, i dont really see how he fits! a good impact sub…
Id rather try to sell and get some money.

I really enjoyed that. Danny you are a lovely, honest guy.
Perhaps Sadler can give him a few tips with his property business.

I saw this podcast featured on the local news a few weeks back and thought what a great idea to give two student journalists experience of interviewing top names in sport (and when you look at who they’ve interviewed so far that’s been loads of great picks). 100 interviews already so they’re putting plenty of hard graft into this.

Given I’m autistic it’s always good to see the neurodivergent community getting more opportunities and positive coverage so great stuff for them and sure DJ enjoyed it aswell compared to 12 months back when he was probably having to stay tight lipped about Nigel Clough!

Haven’t listened to it yet so interested if his Mansfield exile is covered or it’s a more light hearted look back at his career so far.


It’s worrying how the most famous person in his phone book is still Nigel Clough (spoiler alert)… You would have though he deleted that by now :rofl:

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He comes across really well. I’ve only spoken to him once and found him very polite.

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