Gary Waddock - New 2 Year Deal

Perhaps some of the players were not quite good enough to take on board everything he told them!!

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Can shoulder responsibility for the 70 plus goals conceded then. Another case of rewarding failure on the back of Mat Sadlers Contract


Perhaps then that Sadler had assembled a squad that was lacking in football awareness and intelligence, if that maybe the case that you are suggesting it’s worrying to think that a large portion of the “ not good at understanding what they have to do “ squad will be entrusted to overcome their learning limitations once again, oh well, at least it’s comforting to know that it’s important to have the “ right “ people in the building as Sadler has often told us.!!!

If he is the main man for dissecting the opposition before games I would be asking him a few questions.
In general, I think a big barrier we are up against is that everyone at the club seems to think that there is not too much wrong with the current players. I do not get the feeling they are critical enough of each other.
Early days and hopefully some quality signings on the way.

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Nobody knows how hard he and his staff are on the players after a poor defeat and disappointing season overall .
This definitely needs some consideration this season though as we are all losing a little patience after being patient on the football side expectations are now very much increased .
A top 7 assault is a minimum from the off or Sadler and trivela will be under scrutiny after around 10 games


A bad season will see crowds fall considerably. Which I’m sure is the worst possible outcome for trivela .

Too many people playing football manager on an excel sheet.

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It all feels too matey doesn’t it? You can see it on the pitch, no leaders giving a bollocking for poor play.


Oh for another Andy Butler or Dean Holden

Why? Isn’t 1 of each enough :joy::rofl:

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Not quite up to your usual anti Walsall posts but if you went to the meet the Manager evening you would have seen the coaches are very much a team and work off one another. I suppose also I could give Waddock credit for the 20 odd extra goals we scored this year which made it more watchable than the borefest of the previous years.


It is clear to everyone I would have thought that we need some better quality players and if we get those then we should do better.Maybe a better run with injuries would help too…

If that’s the criteria then get jimmy mullen back. He was a manager for 27 years and involved in football for 41 years, Dinosaurs!!!. Oh well, I’m sure we’ll sign dave and Josh Gordon on a free and everyone will be buzzing. Roll on August eh


It’s quite clear that continuity is the order of the day for Trivela.We have more players here for another year than I can ever remember and now this.I really hope it works and we see signs of it next season.


All this continuity may seem sensible, but it’s uninspiring to the average fan whose looking for a bit of excitement and encouragement for next season. Not really pushing the season ticket sales either are they? Does anyone care any more, or are they content to merely stay solvent?

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I will be very intrigued to hear what the season ticket sales are when they announce them. When they brought in the early bird, I’m sure we were on a very good run of form. Hopefully we can build and improve on last season’s growth.

The mood Hoovers ain’t going to like this.

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They will have to just suck it up I guess.


Like lightning there Blazing. :+1::+1:

Probably too busy stuck in their own vacuum though.