Gary Waddock - New 2 Year Deal

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To ward off interest from Gillingham maybe?


@Bags10 Potentially.

I’d like to hear Gary speak a bit more to be honest. Reminds me of McDonald the ghost.

Happy for him to get the security of a 2 year deal in a job where you are always just a few bad results away from the sack


Spoke really well at the meet the manager evening. Definitely does a lot behind the scenes we don’t see


Wonder what he offers and does

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Advice & Coaching.

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He did speak well. He is very knowledgeable and is the main man for dissecting the opposition before games and preparing information for the players.


Yet another indication of ‘no ambition’. Should have aproached Klopp. He’s doing nowt.

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Let’s hope his dissection and advice about the opposition he gives to the players improve next season then we might finish higher.

I’m a huge Gary Waddock fan. His resume speaks for itself, we’re very lucky to have him here. I know Sadler counts him as a huge source of knowledge and comfort.


Gary Waddock or Gary Wazzock?


I don’t think he is qualified enough or has the required knowledge according to some. Plus if he doesn’t have Sadler in his name somewhere it’s a none starter…

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Cracking news this is though. To have so many wanting to extend their stay to me speaks volumes about how things are going. Congrats to all involved.


I like it. obviously a very good coach had a great career. 2 years seems like we are warding off some interest. He is also a very good insurance policy if Sadler gets the tin tack.

He must be the reason he plays James Taylor and Josh Gordon over Danny Johnson. encyclopedia Of football , give him a 10 year contract so we can give him his retirement when we sack them all before Christmas.

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I assume Dan Watson will be next. Without his set pieces we’d have finished bottom half.


Hes been involved in professional football for 37 years. 18 in coaching.

Hes not a mug.


Is that all, pales into insignificance in comparison to some on here Latvian :wink:

Lots of love being shown for the bloke but performances last season didnt particularly suggest we were well coached for a large part.

Just my opinion…