Gillingham manager sacked

Not sure whether Gillingham have already got someone lined up, but I hear that they sacked Clemence today.

Would they consider giving Flynn another go at management? As a player he enjoyed a good spell there (most appearances in his career with a good goal return from midfield).

If he did get the job, I could see him coming in for one or two of our players…

Only if their owner has suddenly started snorting coke


They failed.
They acted.
They will finish higher than us next season.

They ‘acted’ earlier in the season when they sacked Neil Harris but failed to finish above us

Winning promotion is harder than you think.


All the talk is about Scott Lindsey at Crawley, ex player? was after him before but wouldn’t pay £250k? compensation or so I read.

New owners getting reputation of being impatient already.

Hopefully not another basket case of a club in the making …

They invested way more than we did and they were probably justified in expecting at least a play off position.
Stop wetting your knickers, Sadler will be gone next season if we aren’t in contention.


I got told plenty by Newport fans when I covered the area for work about Flynn and the powder

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They made a stupid decision sacking a manager whilst being in the top 7, who has since gone on to manage in the Championship, whilst having one of the biggest budgets in the league after spending ridiculous amounts of money in the window before that.

They brought in a new manger and could never put 2 wins together, couldn’t score goals and never really looked like getting into the top 7.

We still finished above them.


Totally agree. They will be champions. We will be runners up.
Gillingham have the opposite issue to us and haven’t been able to sort it in 4 windows despite spending good money - they don’t score enough.

Loved a good nose rub in his post match interviews!

He’s from South Wales, from my experiences of people from down there it goes without saying.

One of the highest wage budgets in the league higher than Mansfield i believe think only Stockport and Wrexham are higher.

Appointed Mark Bonner. Good appointment.

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Could he possibly take Gary Waddock off us, as his assistant?

Can see Hutchinson going there incoming bid :thinking:

I’d be surprised if Hutch left to another league two side.


Can see them going for Madden the wages they pay.

I hope we sell hutch.

Lets be honest he wont sign a new contract and dont want him leaving on a free (ala Sawyers etc)

Stand out player in a very average league 2 side. jury out for me on wether he has a good enough all round game to step up a level .put someone will probably take a chance if the price is right .

Yeah, he may well leave this Summer, but I would be surprised if his destination is a league two club.