Green car park problems again

I find it very annoying that you buy a season ticket for the car park then when there is a large crowd they sell off your space. When we arrived at the entrance to the ground, we were met by a steward who told us not to bother going to the car park as it was full. My son said he would be going on as we had already paid. The steward shrugged and let us carry on. Luckily we drove to the unlit muddy area at the back and managed to get on. As we were walking to the stand we met some folks who sit by us (in their 70s) and they were told the same thing despite having a car park season ticket. To sort this out, the club could do a couple of things. Some of the spaces in the concrete part have numbers so allocate a space with a number to season ticket holders. A second option - if the car park has say 500 spaces and there are 100 season tickets, then just allocate 400 tickets to the stewards selling them. I’m sure a simple system on an iPad or tablet could be sorted. At least then people who have paid would be guaranteed a space.


Same happened to me last season for the Leicester game, in the main car park.

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This has happened several times over the years. Happened to a friend v Wolves years ago.

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It is not right. They wouldn’t sell your season ticket seat so they shouldn’t do it with car park season tickets.


Tried the same with me last season, I said not my problem, I’ve paid for a season ticket and parked on there anyway.

Not had the season ticket this year because the price hike without any improvement in the car park.

It has no proper lighting and no CCTV.

2 years ago someone reversed into my car and drove off probably because of the poor ligyting,it was a particularly dark, wet and windy night.

Caused over £5k damage and because no CCTV and so no possible recovery you cop the lot on your insurance, will have cost me thousands on increased premiums until it doesn’t effect it.

Then they have the cheek to ask me to pay more without improving lighting or anything, they can stick that right up where the sun don’t shine.

Now I park for free, almost as close and my car is safer.


I agree about the state of the car park and a lack of lighting is a major issue due to uneven surfaces too. It is so dark at the back end that it is an accident waiting to happen. I have emailed the club about this before. I have also just emailed about the parking issue.

Had several run ins with club last few seasons because I’ve had same treatment, I was told to double park which I refused to do as it could stop emergency vehicles passing.
When it was up for renewal this time I simply said I wouldn’t renew if they couldn’t guarantee a space so saved 100 quid and leave it on the Railway for free, takes bout 15/20 minutes to walk but at least we pull straight off and are home quicker.
In my experience the club aren’t interested in sorting it out, the once I was offered the £2.50 ish back for the game I couldn’t park (£60 for season) I told the lady to didn’t want my money back I wanted a space I’d paid for.


We used to park on the club car park a few years back, but it was way too much trouble getting out. We park on the retail park now which has a bit of a queue but is still faster than getting off the club car park.

Last night we went in the lower bar after the game for a drink and when we left an hour later there was still a queue of cars coming out of the club car park trying to get on Bescot Crescent. We walked to the retail park where our car was virtually the only one left and drove straight out.

No way are we going to pay for the privilege of queuing or told there’s no space. :roll_eyes:

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They need to sort it out. Walking 20 mins might not be too good for me if my arthritis is playing up so that’s why we park there.

Ssssshhhh! :shushing_face: Don’t give them ideas.


You have every right to complain about this. If you have paid for a space then you are entitled to one .You are also right about the state of the car park. We parked there years ago but gave up after a season. Luckily I am still fit enough to walk a reasonable distance.


SLO has replied saying that he has passed my concerns on to the department heads as clearly lessons need to be learned when we have larger crowds. He will get back to me in due course. I appreciate that and hope something comes of it.