Grimsby Town (H) - 8th March - Early Kickoff

The boys may have something to say about that :wink:

There’s quite a few of us that have this even for home games. :wink:

There are pros and cons to most things and for some a 1230 kick off may suit some but not everyone. I’m simply wondering if it may have a negative impact because of the earlier start.

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I hate 12.30 KO home or away, I’m a ST holder and didn’t attend the Tranmere game, it’s a rush for me due to work commitments, away KO at that time is impossible.
I remember one of the owners saying it was very lucrative for the clubs with the fees they received but once again it shows Sky really don’t give a sh1t about the football fan.


Blame the clubs mate, they all couldn’t wait to accept it.

I’m not sure how lucrative it is when you consider smaller attendances and less money spent in the ground.

All it will do is push player wages up, that’s where all the money goes in the end.


And with that higher admission prices.

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Think most teams just looked at the short term money signs. Without looking at the bigger picture for supporters and match day revenues.
Having said that if we were sat in 18th I might not be moaning about it as much.

This messing about with football’s heritage is ruining it for me!

Great news having more tv games ! Looking forward to this one on the box x

Thought you went to most games live.

Couldn’t agree anymore mate.
I’m sure I read it was welcomed by a very high majority vote, football shouldn’t be watched on tv, I had a period of time where money was tight mate when kids where little, I still went out and watched park football on Saturday and Sunday for free to get my fix.
It’s not for me, Saturday 3pm is when football happens, try and get to pub couple of hours before KO to take in the fan chat and meet friends, talk about the team selection at 2 o’clock before heading to ground on a high.
Back home for quarter to six to sit and chill before heading to my sisters to chat about the game for another 3 hours listening to their opinion, 12.30 KO kills all the above for me mark, changing it slightly mate it’s great to see your boys with the enthusiasm for the club whenever I catch glimpse of them at games it’s brilliant to see, lot more teenagers at games also long may it continue.


Tradition is something that matters to a lot of football fans, myself included. I get that things move on and you have to adapt and accept, but I feel the same as you about it. I feel like this is only the beginning.

Thanks for what you said about my boys. They really are great little fans. They tear block 5 up with their singing, they have actually got a few more to join in nowadays! They would also go to every away game if I could afford it. I’ve tried to get them to as many as I can this season while we are doing well. It’s been really great having a good season for them at last, but what makes me the most proud is they stuck with it when we were absolutely awful, especially our George. I just hope we do get over the line for them so we can have that day, no going back then.

You are right a lot more teenagers coming to games now and enjoying it, brilliant stuff.


I used to until life , health and money got in the way
I still try go to as many I can when I can

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Can we just get Saturday away games on Sky and home games at 3pm.

After such a season, we should be fine for next year. But if we’d had a typical recent season, I’m suspecting that season ticket sales would show a dip if you could reckon on seeing 20 plus at relatively low cost on TV.

Will The Locker start screening some away games live?Hopefully in sinc.with actual match and not finishing 10 minutes after as per Tranmere game.:soccer::soccer::blush:

It’s just caught up and finished mate, we lost 1-0. :rofl:


I got fed up and went home at 8pm​:rofl::rofl:

My kids are 21 and 19 now mate and are just as committed as us all been ST holders since they where very small, my daughter catches the train back from university in Cheltenham on Saturday and gets off at Bescot to meet us in the locker to watch the super saddlers, she’s coming to gillingham Tuesday game to head back same night, they’ve both seen some crap over the years so it’s great to see them with many others enjoying the football.