Happy Anniversary

Matt Sadler……this could be interesting :grin::grimacing:


The gaffa’s one year anniversary and the retain and release list due to be published today, what a time to be alive :grin:

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Glad confident morning…

Obviously the work on the released and retained has been as exhaustive as his appointment, hence the time taken.

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Well we know what many of us think lol
Fan base is very very split over sadler

Im not split didnt want him from day 1 and seen nothing to change my mind either

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Agreed here
Others seem to really rate him while others are very much on the fence , mainly because they don’t want to keep changing rather than rating sadler

A year ago I was “meh” now I’m a slightly more positive “meh”. Now incremental progress and all that.

I can see what he is trying to do with the culture which is good but still have very little idea what he’s trying to do with the football which isn’t so good.

In a way it’s nice not to be in the summer talking about “gelling”, “give him two windows”, “ he needs to assert his own philosophy” and all that bollocks. We can realistically expect to hit the ground running next season. His first year has earned him the right at another pop and earned us the right to raise the bar of expectation.


On your last point automatic promotion must be the aim…play offs minimum for me but it won’t just be on the Manager it will be on the owners too!!!

Hasn’t done too much, lots of improvement needed, got a stubborn streak he needs to drop but let’s see what this season brings.

No good sacking gaffers 24/7, unless we are absolutely dog shit by Christmas anyways.

So that’s another bit of disappointing and head-scrathing news that’s going to happen on exactly the same date, 12 months on. Amazing how history keeps on repeating itself.

The entire list, or the probable announcement of DJs mutual termination?

A good summary PT - good that we’re not starting from scratch again this summer. although for me the next step is the big test for him. Can he replace DJ with a good striker or do we have to make do with our existing mediocre forward line? Can he sort out the centre of defence and stop us being so vulnerable to crosses to the back post? If hutch goes can he find a good enough replacement to be the key man in our midfield? And above all can he learn from his mistakes and stop his poor decision making in terms of team selection and substitutions?


There’s something about coaching for me too. The goals we conceded at Wimbledon on the last day were very similar to the goals we conceded at Wrexham in August. The goals we conceded the week before at home to Notts County were very similar to goals conceded at Morecambe and Crewe in August.

We remain just one ball away from being at sixes and sevens at the back. That ball can be a cross, a through ball or even a good old fashioned lump from out of the keepers hands.

The part of the season we looked most solid was when it was Allen plus two now left loanees.

Whether it is new personnel, harder work on the training pitch or smarter coaching or all three but we’ll go nowhere if we can’t keep more than one clean sheet away from home all season.


Sadler doesn’t know how to keep a clean sheet even if he used Ariel Bio.

keeps a 7 goal in 51 game striker who is 34 and has only looked half decent when his contract was running out. bravo, good bit of business that.

He’s had a full season now, I expect him to learn from it, and improve in that. Tactics wise, game preparation, in game management etc. defensively is the big issue for me. If that isn’t solved we will end up watching the same issues again.

Over to him and the staff to sort it.