Help please

Afternoon all

I know we all have different opinions and have spats on here. But I am genuinely asking all Walsall fans if they can help me out with the below

Please read and visit the page, ( link below ) even the ccost of a cup of coffee being. donated will help these kids and those less fortunate than ourselves in the community.

As said guys / girls. please help if you can.

We have started a project at the railway club Walsall. That is aimed at. Getting some of the most under prilavadged. Kids in the bourough. Engadget. In an exiting new project.

An allotment will be. Built within the grounds of the LMRCA that will enable the kids to plant, nurture. And finally harvest various healthy food sources , then have the pleasure of donating. All. the produce grown. To some of the most vulnerable. People in the bourough , including the local elderly ,
And local food banks etc for wider distribution

Not only does this get the kids out the classroom as part of there. Cirricuulum it also gets them growing health food sources. Whilst learning. Then. The skills needed to grow. Said food. Whilst also getting them engaged within the community they live Via the distribution of the end product

Please can al, my fellow saddlers please help me with this project and. Help me raise the funds required To get this up and running

I want to be able to help these kids make a difference. Whilst also providing themwith an educational experience

Please use the link below. To take. You to our page. Where any donation wil, be extremely appreciated. Or use the qr. code pictured. To make a donation



Looking at the type of project, its objectives and amount you’re trying to raise, I would strongly suggest also looking into the National Lottery’s Awards For All programme. At face value it looks like something that would hit a lot buttons with the Lottery.

They fund community based projects with up to £10K grant available per project. Any amount you raise by crowdfunding could be used as part “match” funding and would show a healthy contribution from the applicant, if you wanted to apply.

There’s no guarantees of getting a grant but chances used to be around 50% of applications approved.


Great project!! There’s nothing more important than teaching our kids to grow their own food and just letting them see the seed to plate journey. Donated.


Thank you Shropsaddler Much appreciated

Thanks mate for the info. Ill get onto it. And let you know. How we get on


We are doing something similar at my local village hall here on Anglesey.
We are setting up a garden that the kids were involved in designing , and the local school will involve in their curriculum.

We did get a grant from a welsh charity to get it up and running , but we also got quite a bit of free equipment from Keep Wales Tidy…

Not sure if you can get similar ???


Another option - is the site within the boundary of the “One Palfrey Big Local” initiative? Another Lottery funded programme (loads of small communities across the country got around £1M spread over 10 years to help community-led regeneration).

Not sure if their 10 years is now finished but worth checking out:


Time to give this a bump. :+1: