Is 5,000 our glass ceiling?

The flexi offer averages out at £24 per ticket in the upper, obviously this is a really popular part of the ground.

Not sure it’s attractive enough to sell, I think £20 a game then yes.

I know people will point out that you can go in the Lower, but plenty don’t want to.


Id like to see the upper used as a trial discounted Flexi ticket offer and possibly a notional reduced season ticket price. Perhaps something as small as £50 off.

Packing out the upper with season tickets allows the ability to reduce the price of the less desirable parts of the ground which can be used for creative ticket incentives. Perhaps if you come to a game with an under 18 you may look at a packed out two tier stand and think about a season ticket up there.

Also think it would be well worth the money to introduce the safe standing in the lower! That would generate a strong atmosphere and ensure compliance with ground regulations and the crap about persistent standing.


10-years-ago today, we pulled in 10,038 (907 away fans) for our 0-0 draw against Preston that booked a place at Wembley.


What a night.

Right up there with the best in my time following Walsall (40 odd years)

The Town was buzzing before and after the game.

More nights like that please.


Back 6/7 rows I agree. Hard to do the central blocs because it may interfere with the sight lines of those in neighbouring blocks left to right. But I’ve seen other grounds do the rows to the rear like Shrewsbury.

Maybe if the club had meaningful dialogue with any of the supporters groups then this could be explored and maybe even part funded by supporters. But hey Trivela have us top of the league they don’t need to talk to fan groups.

You have made your last point before and I replied pointing out you were incorrect . I won’t waste my time doing it again.

I’m thinking of setting up a new group called the Trivela Appreciation Society - wondered if Stretch wanted to be our new spokesperson? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Trivela have set up various fan focus groups covering different aspects of the club.
Details of groups and members details are on the club website.
Well publicised at the time. Open to anyone to contribute and join.

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At the risk of stirring up a hornets nest, I noticed on the Silkeborg forum that Trivela have agreed to have half yearly meetings with their fan group, including Ben Boycott and Kent Madsen. It seems to have been in reaction to calming down the unrest which was created when the buyout was announced.

Udmelding fra fanscenen angående fremtiden -

It came up in my FB memories this morning too….


@SaddlerSteve good find.

@WalsallOne can’t have been memorable or interesting but please share again.

My view on this is that pressure has forced Trivela to talk to the Danish fan group.

Now - yet again, I revisit my unpopular point that the small minded mentality of Walsall fans contributes to this lack of engagement Trivela feel they need to have with Walsalls fan group(s)

Invite us to talk chips, traffic lights and other issues at a fans forum - isn’t cutting it.

Because the bulk of Walsall fans are currently loved up about praising the locker, small queues for beer and us being top
Of the league. Other key questions aren’t being addressed.

Will ISSA and the Trust the trust be taking up the Danish developments with the club and seeing if their stance has changed

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IE we’re not a bunch of miserbalist arses. Well ok some are…

@JoaquinErnesto we all have our place. :eyes:

Interested to know what you and others think of the fact that it’s one rule for Danes another rule for WFC

Even the staunchest backers of Trivela and the great work they’ve done must feel there is a disappointing degree of disparity within this news ?

Not really for either of those questions.
Different football culture in Europe with all the Ultras bollox. Fans that are self declared better fans than everyone else, often partly encouraged by the clubs who’s PR depts think it’ll make the club cooler to have some Ultras. Same as the Green Brigade at Celtic. If they’ve been pandered to historically and been given special rights and access in the past, they feel entitled. Unfortunately clubs then find it hard to put the genie back in the bottle when they play their faces about some issue or other.
Hopefully Trivela will talk to them and gradually be able to sideline them, although that’s unlikely.


Er - they are different businesses though aren’t they

I’m sure the Danish equiv of the PL has a different agenda hence Silkeborg’s needs are different to us, Drogheda or any other footballing organisation that Trivela may decide to acquire

Why do you persist with the poor relative narrative when there is absolutely no evidence to suggest this is the case

I’m not a happy clapper and obviously want the best for WFC but let’s be honest, things are going extremely well, there is a different and more optimistic buzz around everything the club is involved in - why do you go on and on about what you see as the downside of multi-club ownership when our experience is fundamentally and unarguably positive?

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I think the news out of Denmark is the first bit of evidence ?

If the agenda is to sideline the avenue for any meaningful dialogue and accept whatever cards we are dealt then we might regret it one day in the future !

Not knocking the good changes. But multiclub ownership is new. Things that may happen may
Need to be challenged. Bob in Brownhills sending Graham an email will not be a drop in the ocean compared to what the Danes have access to.

But your points are based on words like, if, whenever and maybe - there’s no substance to any of it just your opinion that it’s doomed to failure…

So Trivela have agreed to meetings with their fan group - so what! How does that affect their objectives and intentions for WFC, regardless of whether they’ve got a dialogue with our fan group/s or not?

Anyway, debate is futile as you have a fixed view and approach to anything related to Trivela - maybe you should write to Ben Boycott and ask him to elaborate on their approach…


@Coop63 not fixed because you can’t berate what they have done here. It’s a breath of fresh air. Are there bits to be critical or cynical about yeah. Things can always be better. We’ve all benefited from them arriving.

But it’s dangerous to go well its all ifs buts and maybes. By the time that if but or maybe happens the only option you have is an email to Graham or tweet @ben. But if you were a Silkenborg fan you got a fab group representing you all.

I’m sure ISSA will have a view on the Dane’s being welcomed for a chat.

Note the Trivella have agreed to have bi-annual meetings with Fan Unit Silkeborg, not Søhøjlandets Boys and Pride.
Fan Unit Silkeborg closed down last autumn following the unrest over the ownership issues. It is interesting that they have chosen this group rather than the more voiciferous group Søhøjlandets Boys and Pride. I would suggest that if Trivella were to set upi bi-annual meetings that it would more likely be with the Trust rather than more contentious groups.

Rude! :joy:

For what it’s worth, I believe that the Trust do have dialogue with Trivela.