Issa statement


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Wow. Just wow. :dizzy_face:

I think El Nombre was out on day release yesterday…


It’s definitely going to be a sunshine day today

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■■■■■■■ hell mate, I’ve often found you’ve been hard done by for debating your point about players and tactics etc but this is daft, there’s no need to comment negative ■■■■ on a post by a fan who seems to me does a lot for this clubs fans and community, so has every right to post on this section of the site, the fact it’s even up for debate is pathetic - don’t like it, ignore it and go to the next one, aint hard

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May be a while before he gets back to you :joy:

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El Nombre I think the majority of posters to this forum including myself believe that you are irrelevant; you offer precious little of any substance to any debate.

Please restrict your posts to another area of the site.

When the whole of the world is marching “Left Right Left Right” and el-nombre is marching “Right Left Right Left” he’s the one who asks “Why is everyone else out of step?”


Personally it doesn’t bother me at all where the threads are.
If I am interested I read it, if I’m not I don’t !


Different opinions make the world go round, but there’s a certain point where it just devolves into cack posting for the sake of it.

Never bothered you before😉

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Agree entirely with this.

There’s a certain amount of snobbery, mixed with attention-seeking, arrogance and grandiose ego jock nonsense.

Who the hell is anyone to say ‘this is irrelevant’ other than the people who run and own this site. Anything else IS irrelevant.

Just don’t read it. You don’t have to post that you think it’s irrelevant - and then spent 30 posts belittling, making snide remarks, repeating same crap to get a rise out of people - just chill out.

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I’m different.
A special case. :blush::laughing:

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You’re certainly special.

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A (second) reminder about personal comments gents, especially when the subject is unable to reply.


Is this permanent?



Second that he he has no clue what he is talking about on matters such as this.

El Nombre nearly as popular as Leahy on this site.

The club & this board so much better without them.


I really think he adds something to the site. It would be boring if everyone had the same views. He does go on a bit though.:rofl:

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