Independent saddlers supporters association
Ref. Working party meetings held at Walsall football club
Issa would like to release the following statement
As some of you may be aware the Walsall football supporters trust recently released a statement saying they would no longer attend said meetings should Issa be present , due to what they believed. Was an unprovoked attack on themselves
Issa would respond and say no such attack took place, an open and honest debate took place, and a few home truths where aired, as this is the correct Envoirement
for such.debate to be held
Issa have offered the trust a chance to mert up and put any outstanding issues to bed but at this point in time the offer has not been took up
Issa state we have no problem whatsoever sitting at the same table with representatives of the supporters trust, and. Feel itās imperative that these meetings continue, as they are the only way. That every fan. Can get there voices heard and any concerns they have can be put directly to board members of Walsall football club, it is. Matter of urgency that they continue to be held
Therefore Issa urge the supporters trust to reconsider there stance and agree to return. To the monthly meetings,
Issa have no desire to replace trust, whatsoever, but as we said from the off we wonāt be silenced and if A point comes where we feel the need to challenge club, and bring to an head important issues we will have no problem doing so, Same as we will praise where credit is due on the clubs behalf, but first and foremost our. Main concern is every fan of Walsall FC wether they be a member of Issa or not, and we will do our level best. To ensure each and everyone of them is listened to
We are entering into what is a crucial time in our history, and we need to be as one,
As said Issa are willing to work with any body of fans, in relation to Walsall FC. And believe each group individually has something to offer, As we strive to generate a brighter future for our beloved club
Again I reiterate Issa have no problem attending meetings with trust representatives, as the only goal should be ensuring that wfc. Is the main talking point, and seeking ways to ensure our club Begins to rise from the depths it has sunk to
But as said if trust still refuse to participate in said meetings if Issa are present we will not just quietly go away , and will continue to represent every fan of Walsall FC to the best of our abilities, but would much rather it be in harmony with other fan groups,
Egos and personality clashes should be left at the door, when we go in there we should all be singing from the same hym sheet , and thatās the one that demands that wfc gets a fair deal of the cards
To this end I sincerely hope that Mondayās planned meeting can go ahead, thereās a lot more hard work and a lot more answers fans want to hear from our owner and board of directors
Dave Olly Beckett. Chairman. Independent saddlers supporters association