Josh Gordon signs

He is one of Sadler’s favourites so is guaranteed to start every game

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I do think negativity is misinterpreted for realism more often than not.That I will say.


At least it will help me get back some of the money i spunked on sky bet last season, he will be the first player i will be betting on getting a yellow :grin:


It’s not worth topping yourself mate.It’s a poor signing granted but if we’ve got to suffer so have you.


Ergo, we are not serious about promotion

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Nice to see Sadler mention DJ. Like I’ve said, I don’t mind Gordon with the right partner up front. I think they could compliment each other well.


Completely unexpected signing. Best kept secret in football :melting_face:
Good luck Flash!


and not a loan. We need to go and poach a striker using that Hutchinson cash.

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Which year did he win POTY in his first spell? Belph mentioned it in the other thread.

2019-20, the curtailed season.

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Perhaps now he’s ‘ours’ and nobody else’s, it will have the desired effect

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Gordon is to Sadler, what Foden is to Southgate! Mediocre players who are undroppable!!

Foden mediocre? Pep doesn’t agree and I agree with Pep.


Opposition defenders hate people like Gordon,he makes defenders release the ball before they want to. But the conundrum for me,is how come we don’t take advantage by getting our possession numbers up through misdirected clearances


Welcome back Flash! Good hard working player. If he’d banged then in for us last season he probably wouldn’t be here now so hope that’s a blessing in disguise and we see the true Flash over the next two seasons.

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According to Geordie I’m the Josh Gordon of UTS.

So I’m happy.

:grinning: :laughing: :wink:

He had a very slow start to that season, two goals up to December 21st and loads of posts on this forum wondering what was up (personal problems were alluded to).

Then it just clicked with him, Adebayo and Wes over xmas and into the first few months of 2020 before the stoppage.

That’s one of the few times at this level I’ve been genuinely excited about the club at this level but it all then fizzled out the next season.

That’s how you get the best out of Gordon though, two other mobile players alongside him who share the goalscoring burden.

Him and Matt in a front two and I just don’t see enough goals.


That sounds very positive to me, both because DJ is part of his plans and there are others on the way.


Welcome back Josh!
Good luck for the new season.