Josh Gordon signs

Think it deserves its own thread.

Glad its not a loan striker

Already knows the club and players, shouldnt need time to settle in.

Shows the club were planning for this season last season

We need other signings, but Im ok with this.


Average signing. Very mid table league 2.

Again, Iā€™d be less annoyed if we hadnā€™t signed DJT and Matt - whilst not shifting DJ.

Smacks of no ambition - or a terrible managerial decision.

Whoever this other striker is, needs to be special.


The fact that the signing has been announced so early, makes me thinks thereā€™s more to come today

A ā€˜mehā€™ signing, Iā€™ll reserve judgement on whether itā€™s good or not for us on who else we bring in up top, think he could be a good squad option but a costly one.

On the comments I think itā€™s telling Sadler refers to DJ, would this be a promising sign he will be staying? I actually think a DJ/Gordon front two has lots of potential if we can get DJ back to where he was in his first spell with us.

Head Coach Mat Sadler felt Gordon played a key role in the second half of last season and he is pleased to secure his services on a permanent basis.

ā€œJosh forms an integral part of my squad and Iā€™m delighted for him to be back,ā€ Sadler said.

ā€œHeā€™s an incredibly hard-working player, heā€™s an absolutely incredible person and the lads are delighted that heā€™s back.

ā€œThereā€™s continuity there and weā€™re looking forward to him picking up that relationship with Jamille (Matt), Danny (Johnson) and the other strikers that come in.

ā€œWe had a strong second half to last season, ā€¦and Josh was a key part of that.


Zero ambition, zero imagination


IF we are serious about getting amongst the top 6, then we have just signed a substitute


A keeper will be next. I think we will be waiting for the next striker as it is likely to be a loan. They usually get loaned out after a couple of weeks pre season with their parent club.
Just my opinion. No inside info.

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I am not totally against Gordon signing but to me it makes the Matt signing make less sense.
Gordon gives us experience and continuity which was an argument for Matt.
Harry Smith instead of Matt for example would have been a better option.


I love Josh Gordon but iā€™m very much in the minority on here.

As a foil to a less mobile poacher like DJ to do the legwork thereā€™s none better


Stop spreading negativity you.Its been picked up on you know :smile::wink:

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Itā€™s unbelievable isnā€™t it :joy:

Having ambition and not wanting to be shite is now bad :rofl:


This shows Trivelaā€™s ambition signing a striker who has more yellows than goals

Another season of watching him try and jump for flick onā€™s and not succeeding.

I am dreading it.


Interesting comment about DJ. MS clearly has him in his thoughts for the season ahead. Anyway welcome back Josh ā€¦lets hope you can add a few goals to all your hard work.


1 goal from January :man_shrugging:, , if he gets 10 before crimbo then its genius, but i think Iā€™ve heard that 1 before for another of our supposed strikers


Canā€™t wait for all the running around , 1 goal per 30 ratio with all the composure in front of goal of a toddler with ADHD and 15 yellow cards .

Buzzing for the season to start now .


Prove me wrong Josh but this is a poor use of budget given what he offered on loan last season.

At least heā€™ll play more than DJ on a two year deal but a Gordon-Matt combination doesnā€™t get you anywhere near promotion imo.

Must do better with the final striker signing of the summer whenever that is.

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I wouldnā€™t have signed him - but he always plays for the shirt and gives everything, so good luck Josh and welcome back.


Can fault the work ethic.

Good luck Josh


Would he genuinely sign here if he was just going to be a sub. And on a two year deal?

He started majority of games on loan so same again surely.

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