Josh Gordon signs

Overachieved with the budget he generally had at Barrow. Two top 10 finishes from them finishing 22nd in 21/22.

Expectation for Sadler this season has to be a credible top 7 challenge all season so I wouldn’t be messing around after 10 games if the team is in its usual 16th spot.

Was 21 points after the first 20 games last season so he needs a far better start this season.

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He blew it big time last season. Playing style is a bit old school Div 4 and he’s achieved nowt. I’d rather stick with Sadler, whose got a very similar win percentage, a better footballing pedigree and has only been in the job for one season.


No way will Sadler still be with us if we are floating around the bottom after 10 to 15 games. Pressure from the fans to get rid would be too much. He’s also added alot of pressure on to himself with the Gordon signing. Pomlett has inferred that this was his decision and his decision only.

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We won’t be floating around the bottom


If we got these players in we all know we need then we should be pushing around the top. if we don’t then I think we will definitely be around the bottom

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Have you copy and pasted this from last July


Fake news my friend

According to WIkipedia

Pete Wild has win % of 42.91 over 261 games
Mat Sadler has 36.84% over just 57 games
Screenshot 2024-07-07 at 18.59.52

I was referring to his time at Barrow, which was in response to @SaddlerHQ’s post. I used the same source…


I have been a huge critic of Josh, but I now fully understand why Sadler loves him.

Yes, he is not prolific, but my god, he does so much of the donkey work and such a pain for defenders.

Seem’s such a genuinely nice guy, which is huge for us as we do not seem to have any bad eggs (Cook, ferrier etc). The players also have a great bond with each other and love playing for MS.

Have a Dean Smith era vibe about this club atm and long may it continue.

Sadler is King


Has his partner got a baby on the way, after his goal celebration yesterday?


Perhaps the baby was due last time he scored and he’s been saving the celebration.
Starts primary school in September :grin:


Took his goal well yesterday,also good to see him get in the box for the 2 chances that their goalkeeper did well to save


I think he has. I seem to remember him saying something.

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Buzzing for JG, 2 goals in 3 games, could have scored more yesterday if it wasn’t for some class saves by there keeper and having to come off early. Great to see the fans cheering for him again as well.

Would love nothing more than to see him keep putting the ball in the back of the net at a level that matches his desire and determination!


You cannot count a goal from a penalty shoot out :rofl:


Substitute it for the one he had saved. :grin:

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It’s all looking rosy here on Josh Gordon island this week :sunglasses:

Bloody love the guy

He’s got a lot of stick. Too much imho. But hopefully he will prove the doom-mongers wrong.



Gotta love us Walsall fans, always find a way to add a negative spin to something positive :grinning:


I shouldnt have laughed… but i did :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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