L 1-0 vs Barrow (H) - League Two - Sat 4th March, 3pm

I’ll be there today, wild horses wouldn’t stop me.


Have to say it was quite difficult to get 3 seats together in block 3 and 4 so ended up in 5 today with the higher echelons of riff raff :wink:


Going for a 2-0 win… josh Gordon (og) - if he plays….

Hutchinson’s goal was on soccer am.

A few interesting stats for todays game.

Maher scoring again for the academy :grinning:

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I can’t make today now as my daughter is feeling poorly. Excuse my stupid question but I am terrible with technology! Can I get the match on I Follow through my smart TV?

Only if you have a VPN
Where you can trick ifollow into thinking that you are watching from another country

Christ it’s White right wing back :joy:


White Daniels Monthe Mcentee Comley Kinsella all defensively minded at home :man_facepalming:t2:

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Happy to see McEntee come in.

Looks like White at RWB with Stevens and Knowles up front. Lets see how Comley and Kinsella fare, as this has been debated to death this season. Honestly, i’d like to see one of the two at home, and for us to be less cautious, but i’m willing to hold my judgement until after the game.

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bet on a yellow card at least 100% nailed on :rofl:

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Very negative team for a home game . I make that 5 defenders and 2 defensive midfielders. Boring boring … ( on paper anyway !)


First observation is we have only 3 attacking players at home against Barrow.


Agree! Unbelievably negative

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No Riley or Matt?

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Ugh. Definitely not 4-2 today


I think there’s more credence in the Comsella midfield if we had really offensive wing backs, and played a high line.

But we don’t :joy:

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Like you say, three what you would say ‘attack minded players’ at home to Barrow says it all.

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