L 3-2 vs Salford City (H) - League Two - Sat 22nd April, 3pm

Yep, another high earner off the wage bill as well.

Had the other fans in there had enough of it and asked him to move? :laughing:


What’s the deal with Riley? Thought he was supposed to be the answer to our midfield woes, but has just been an ineffective wing back instead.

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Riley looks like he is having to learn how to run again, it doesn’t look natural to me.


A bit harsh. He was trying to make something happen 85 yards from our goal when he lost the ball. Not sure what the ear cupping is about though, that’s the second time.
Matt was far more culpable for their first, screwing up an easy clearance which allowed the second ball to come in. Mistakes happen of course, but I imagine White would have got dogs abuse if it had been him.

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Any suggestions? Tried debating, tried ignoring and now tried verbal abuse. Nothing seems to work I don’t respond to any of his posts these days , only when he selectively quotes something I’ve posted in order to provoke an argument.

No he wasn’t, he had his back to goal and could have simply laid it off to McEntee.

No he wasn’t what? Trying to make something happen? He lost the ball, which happens a lot at division 4 games. He maybe could have done better, but to imply that he cost us a goal from there seems unfair to me.

Wilkinson lost the ball lazily as he is prone to do but Salford were 70 or 80 yards from our goal with a man less. Mcentee should have fetched the guy down but was already on a yellow


You just keep blaming the manger apparently

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Sadler does mention that McEntee had run out of puff and had considered making a substitution immediately before the goal.

Small margins…

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Let’s break it down

  1. Gordon receives the ball high up the pitch in space after pass from Hutch. Note mcentee at bottom of screen. Well done Liam and Hutch.

  1. Wilkinson makes good run into space in penalty area. Well done Conor

  2. Liam gordon spots Wilkinsons run and passes. Wilkinson receives ball on chest. Gordon runs into space, but Wilkinson doesn’t return the pass. Error number 1!

  1. Wilkinson controls ball and tries to beat two defenders. But loses the ball. Error number 2!

  2. Salford break. But who’s this in the corner of the screen? It’s Oisin Mcentee. So there must have been an easy pass on to Mcentee which Wilkinson didn’t take.

With Gordon and Mcentee out of position Salford have space to break and score.

So for me CW is to blame here, and it’s not the first time either.

You could argue LG and Mcentee shouldn’t have been so far up the pitch and out of position leaving us exposed. But I applaud them for trying to win the game.


It’s the straw that breaks the camels back.

A lot happens after that Andy.

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Well explained :+1:t2:

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Whenever there’s a turn over in possession that high up the pitch and the opposition go and score immediately it’s almost nailed on that more could have been done by others to prevent it.


That has to be the worst Walsall team performance in terms of basic passing skills I have ever witnessed. How many cheap turnovers in possession? Balls given away, passes made in range of an interception. Absolute rubbish.

We have a group of generally physically large and imposing but technically poor players.
Thanks Flynn.

In terms of the game, Salford were much better. Until the foolish red card we were getting comfortably rolled. Then the crowd got going and the players responded. Our first goal was very well taken, but was an aberration in an otherwise ponderous and clumsy attacking threat.

For their second goal, as soon as Wilkinson lost the ball we were immediately in trouble. I don’t blame us going for the win, but for anyone to lose it in such a fashion was criminal.

Our second equaliser was something of a reprieve for him, the keeper should have got it but can’t complain. Having got there, against ten men, you have to do the basics and hope you get something. We didn’t and they did.

Monthe had the initial header for their third. It was straight down their throat. He then failed to deal with the second header and trundled ponderously over to the Salford player who got lucky with his effort. Poor all round from Monthe in those critical moments.

Everyone put a shift in but far too many of our squad are simply not good enough. Low can scuttle back to Bristol as fast as his his ham sized legs and football-free pork brain can carry him. Flip off. Next season will be yet another where we hope to begin to gather some strategy, experience and form to think about a challenge for the following one.

In short: Garbage, get rid of the dross.


This for me.
Whenever there’s a really simple option we always seem to take the most difficult which is unlikely to come off. Why he didn’t just lay it off to McEntee instead of trying and failing to take on 2 defenders I don’t know.

The amount of times someone tried a clever pass that the receiving player seemed to have no idea where it was going was silly too.


It is very encouraging to see some more positivity since my last visit. Quite rightly, I see more celebration and rejoice at the green shoots of hope clearly on display yesterday!

As Walsall Football Club customers, celebrating a commendable home defeat against 10 men, and the fact it has dampened Mansfield’s own promotion hopes, is something we should all celebrate! Hooorah!

In my opinion, Mansfield are a very poorly ran club. I have it on very good authority they often send under cover representatives into the Mayfair and Savoy Lounges on match days to see what a well-run club really looks like

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Is Manuel Pole Dan mole? And if it is I’d like to say that if you ran a bath it’d be cold.

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