Whats happened to Welsh and the others who do this so well ?
I agree. Step it up where is it? One of the best features of this message board. Sod these match threads off and uts will quiickly become stale and defunct. Like something else I can think of.
For info guys, I texted Welsh to see if he was OK. Turns out he’s been a bit under the weather the last couple of weeks so is having a rest. Hopes to be back soon though.
Both Welsh and I have been really busy of late, hence the missing previews. I’ll be adding a brief one for Scunthorpe (a) shortly.
A reminder that UTS is run, moderated and funded by volunteers with full time jobs and personal lives, so we can’t always guarantee certain features will appear.
I think three match previews have been missed since the new site was launched in July 2018, so perhaps consider that before asking that we ‘step it up’.
The Exeter match thread is hiding in ‘All about Walsall’.
Get well soon. Welsh! We miss you - especially the score updates.
As the occasional alternative provider I’m on holiday too, sorry. A perfect storm of UTS absenteeism. One of our many contributors could have stepped up, but apparently all we get are WFHYS moans.
Was’nt moaning , I did start a thread for Port Vale and Exeter games.
Just missed the quality of the usual ones. Hope Welsh is up and running soon.
Oh bless! Hurt your feelings?Thought you were made of sterner stuff than that Exile.
Excellent result Walsall, well done.