Some fantastic old photos on this site:
Fantastic pictures SG, many thanks.
Think the squad trained on the car park if Palfrey park was waterlogged.
The good old days.
And people complain about getting a drink now!
We must still have the same bar staff
Nah ! That’s the queue for a Bovril, a packet of Woodbines and an ounce of Shag
Corrr , I could do with more than an ounce …
It worked for my Grandad … he sired 10 Kids
You were lucky, I used to dream of having my own cold water tap.
Fellows Park was simply our home , words cant describe it nor should they , going to Fellows Park every other Saturday summed up supporting Walsall FC.
Like all football grounds in the 70’s and 80’s, and this is the stark truth it was a dump, but even as a dump it was special , the atmosphere on a good night was magic , even with a small crowd and lets not kid ourselves we had some small crowds in the early 80s. Fellows Park remains special because Bescot is souless and isnt ours, if we as a club owned the ground it may be different but we dont and despite LPs agreement with JB i cant see us owning it anytime soon.
A question to ponder though as much as we romanticize about FP would WFC be here today without the Bescot move, our story would have been so different if Ramsden had not come along and started the chain of events that lead to the Bescot “fiasco”. Would we have gone the way of a Halifax or a York without the ability to raise a commercial revenue stream.
An interesting point raised Bluejay regarding whether we would have slipped off the edge without a commercial revenue stream. Probably so, but maybe not if Bonser et Al hadn’t concocted their devious plan to line their own pockets.
My memories of Fellows Park are strong, simply because the place had atmosphere and a soul that our current dwelling will never have.
My usual patch of concrete slab to stand on was sacred to me, and everyone around me shared a passion, Walsall FC.
Too many great memories, although Play Off Win against Bristol City will live with me forever. To be there was truly magical.
Getting very nostalgic in my later years
Nurse… bedtime!
To counter the nostalgia, I remember (vaguely) some awful games ar Fellows Park, when we weren’t doing so well, and the crowd was either silent or vitriolic. Not sure it’s changed that much apart from the not standing bit.
Agreed and when there were only 2,000-3,000 in the atmosphere was no better than now. Nostalgia is wonderful but to pretend Fellows Park was a great ground is fantasy. I saw some great matches there and then the atmosphere was wonderful but when the time came to leave I was not put out. By then it had become a run down dump. Of course ,like most on here ,I regret that Bescot is not a better stadium but for the time being we are stuck with it and if we can launch a promotion campaign in the near future I think the atmosphere will get better.
Nostalgia is subjective by nature.
It certainly was a positive experience for me at that time in my life… Even if it was a dross performance on a miserable winter evening when vitriole or silence where evident.
Each to their own opinions I suppose.
I was ten when I first visited Fellows Park. To me it was a magical place, and although with age I was able to see it more realistically, in a more warts 'n all way, I still had love for the place. I’ve never felt that for Bescot, which is just a place I go to watch my team.
But, maybe, someone who first visited Bescot as a small boy or girl will feel the same way about that place as I do (and many other contributors obviously do) about FP.
And please keep the pictures coming, they’re great.
@79walsall Sad indeed. I took about 10 pics during the demolition including that one in January 1991. Heartbreaking.