Paul merson

BBC sounds sacked in the morning podcast starts season 5 off with a talk with Paul Merson.

Talking about his football life and he does say his biggest ever regret in football was how he miserably failed as manager of Walsall

Take a listen

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Loved Merse as a player (when he did play), not so much as a manager :wink:.

Still a twit

His goals and performance at a sun drenched Bescot was a wonderful and memorable day


That afternoon in windsor though…one of the worst walsall performances…ever :flushed::flushed:


He may have had a bet on it?

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Whatever he did or did not do…it was a proper shite performance :flushed::flushed:. The pub by the ground with the marquee was decent though :ok_hand:

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And I think that’s where he’d been …

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Most of the few seasons with us unfortunately…

I’ve just finished reading his book “Hooked” having previously read his “How not to be a professional footballer” (which was not co-written by Michael Ngoo, much to my surprise). I’m sure both books are the same, but with cunningly different titles.

Pah he’s got nothing on the Hutch :smirk::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Another great listen (love him or hate him) is Neil warnock .
This episode is from last year and they were asking for listeners to get in touch with their best and worst managers at their club.
So I duly obliged and was read out at the start of the podcast !

For someone who also has a gambling addiction, something Merson once said struck a chord with me

" If someone tells me I can never gamble again I would fail, but if they told me I can not gamble tomorrow, I can do that."

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Rehab 101: one day at a time.

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