Port Vale (H) Feb 22nd, 3pm

The comeback is on…!!!

2-2 Flash
Get the ■■■■ in

Gordon 2-2

That’s a nice surprise as I’m well behind on ifollow.

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Oh lol sorry :blush:

Come on lads we CAN win this…send them Burslem scum back with their tails between their legs and our third double.

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How the Gordon vs Cook bets going?

Just seen Cooks been subbed for Ferrier on 57 mins. 5 ex relegated saddlers, madness.

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All Walsall this half.


ifollow commentary disappeared just before equaliser

iFollow commentary gives the attendance and then drops out and I miss the equaliser. Apologies for any inconvenience… Oh it has come back on.

Sounds like I’m missing another cracker today :weary:


Should have been 3

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Spraying the ball around like Barca.

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Adebayo should have buried that

Great move

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11 shots off target suggests we have been wasteful would people agree?

This is a really good performance

MacDonald just past the post

Not wasteful exactly but should have at least one more


This is the most confident I’ve seen us for a long while. I hope we can make it count. It’s like our forward players finally understand each other’s games. Great to see.


It’s saying Josh Gordon injury then subbed does it look bad anyone?

Pope on for them

Lavery on Gordon (injured)