Salford - Lift Required

Is there anyone driving up to the game from the Telford area who has a spare seat in the car?

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Iā€™ve sent you a text

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Thanks mate - have replied.

I think @LucasB has sorted me thanks mate, but really appreciate the offer.

Iā€™ve got a bout of sciatica in my clutch leg and donā€™t want to risk it.

Thanks again,


EDIT: Was meant to be a DM to @Motty :see_no_evil:


Next time you swap vehicles try an automatic, Ive had them for 30 years now and wouldnt consider going back to manual. The last manual I had was a VWGolf GTI and was having knee problems with the clutch and lower back pain as well with it. I swapped it for an autobox car and seriously never looked back

I think they are safer too, instead of using left hand to change gear its on the wheel and no syncronising your left foot with your left hand to change gearā€¦on an auto put it in drive modeā€¦and just drive

I find it a more relaxing drive and less stressful


One way of looking at it. I have an ā€˜everydayā€™ Opel Mokka SRi which is auto and has all the whistles and bells, and a Fiesta ST in manual which has nothing like that.

I know which one puts a bigger smile on my face when I drive it, and it ainā€™t the auto. Guess Iā€™m old-fashioned!


I know exactly what you mean - I love ā€œdrivingā€ rather than just steering, and automatics feel to me like being in a milk float or a dodgem, but the last couple of weeks Iā€™ve been wishing I had one to make life a bit more comfortable.

Iā€™m still a bit sore and canā€™t walk very far unaided, but itā€™s improved a lot and I can now handle driving my manual (gone from not even being able to stand up the day after Colchester, to 2 crutches at Salford, and just 1 last week at Swindon - hoping that I can do without any at all tomorrow).

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