The Mat Sadler Thread

Ive been VERY MS out since the sutton game. The crux of the matter though is i feel the last six weeks have given him enough time to warrant a stay to see what he is made of. Hes pulled victorys out of the bag none of us expected whether thats through tactical genius , rub of the green , or other teams not being at there best etc we will soon find out over the next six weeks.

Even though i dislike the guy because i think hes as dull as dishwater hes done enough on the football pitch so far to give him time to build from my point of view .

The only thing that annoys me with him at minute is his use of substitutes and the fact he seems to have no plan B if the opposing team do not allow us to play our favoured game. Maybe this will come in time as he is still learning.

I said at start of season and mid season i expect a 10th-13th place finish this season which we are now well on course for , if next season we do not progress theb thats when ill start asking questions again

Im a big believer in if i criticise when things are going wrong then i must give them credit when things are going good


19 points required to improve on last season.

Keeps saying ā€œif you canā€™t win a game donā€™t lose itā€ Iā€™d like it better if he said ā€œweā€™re drawing this game letā€™s go out and win it ā€œ

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I think points is a little variableā€¦ Iā€™d like to see us in the top half to talk about improvement.

If we donā€™t from this positionā€¦ then itā€™s another disappointment as far as Iā€™m concerned.


Your setting the bar a little to high there .1 or 2 points better than last season is incremental 10 blows to many fanā€™s arguments clean out the water .:boom:

If we are talking about variables then surely we need to include performances, recruitment and style of play which is already an improvement on anything served up since we have been in league 2. We are going into next season with many of our best players already signed up which is a huge positve makes a difference not having big clear out.

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I think points are a better gauge than league position because you canā€™t control how many points other teams get, only our own.

A few points isnā€™t an improvement though when you consider the manager was sacked. At least a few wins extra, which would no doubt have kept Flynn in his job.

Sadler wonā€™t be going anywhere now unless we have a complete collapse, which I donā€™t anticipate. He was in a bit of trouble for a while but not now.

All this talk of building for next season though, a lot of work to be done. Fair enough we have some players signed up for next season but still a big reliance on loan signings. Good recruitment in the summer will be essential.


Agree, some of this crap on twitter when we signed Jellis was embarrassing. Always getting excited over nothing. Same on here sometimes.

Good luck to to the lad but we have hardly signed the second coming of Jude Bellingham.

ā€œsignings with a planā€ etc. Bit premature


I recon you know summat :grin: :wink:

If you canā€™t get excited about your beloved club signing players that come with a glowing reference from his previous club,fans and journalists then do you really have any passion for your club.

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I am always a bit sceptical about ā€œbuilding for next yearā€

You should obviously always be planning ahead the best you can but at some point, you have to get it right. Right manager, good signings, and a bit of luck along the way. Thatā€™s how we have won most of our promotions. For all the talk of how strong this division is, it is still division 4 and finishing top 7 or even being in contention for that shouldnā€™t be beyond us in the way it has been. In my opinion anyway.


A top half finish should be a realistic target now (although results like yesterday stopping the team actually going into the top half makes you wonder).

Top 10 even better as then you feel youā€™re not far off play offs with 2-3 key summer signings.

That was the expectation from most on here pre season and should be achieveable.

If Sadler does that I do think things will be a bit more relaxed over the summer.

What isnā€™t acceptable is winning one of the next 10 and sliding well back down the bottom half as happened 12 months ago.

I was very doubtful in November but on the whole heā€™s done alright lately and thereā€™s a reasonable spine of the team developing now even if the forward line still has to prove themselves.


Do I have passion for this club :joy:


I was firmly in the out camp before our upturn in results. I said my opion was not just based on the last game but would see what happened happened over December and then reasses as that is when we needed to make the decision as to whether we give him the transfer widow but if we did we should give him the rest of the season unless we were in serious trouble.

Given the upturn, although most of my concerns were still there, I decided heā€™d earned the extra time.

All my concerns are still there, many laid bare yesterday, but Iā€™m not going to change my position due to one game any more than I arrived at my original position in that way.

Has to be given the rest of the season now unless in serious trouble, then assess again.

I can see what the club are trying to do with the transfer window and have faith in that but still often struggle to see what Sads is trying to do and as he doesnā€™t tend to explain in any tangable was, I struggle to have faith in him.


The point some posters miss , is that the Boycott and Co last year , with the dismissal of Flynn took control.

When Flynn came in Pomlett was still controlling things, I believe and he ultimately gave Flynn free range of all things on the footballing side which was a #$#& up , in my view behind the scenes Jordan saw this during the bad run last year and enough was enough.

The North American management team philosophy was implemented with Sadler as Head Coach not the Manager with ultimate control and he has a team around him including Jordan and to a degree Boycott. This is why Sadler was appointed , itā€™s been said Sadler was an experiment, he wasnā€™t the whole management group approach was and guess what itā€™s working in the North American way of building from the ground up.

Yesterday may have been a disappointing result but compare the highlights to some from last Feb /Mar and the year before. We actually look half decent in the highlight package , it may only be a short snippet of the game itself but itā€™s an indication. Itā€™s actually worth waking up at 4am again to watch on ifollow .

If you want to moan fine but for God sake be consistent and if itā€™s personal and illogical as to why you dislike Sadler admit it , the same way I admit that Flynn was Barnwells love child and Hutchings step brother.

Sadler may not be Smith , he isnā€™t lord Dicky Dosh or the god Graydon but under the management team set up he isnā€™t meant to be. A play off run is possible, win the game against Doncaster and the Stanley game is suddenly a six pointer . Yes itā€™s a long shot but yesterday was not a disaster it was a disappointment.



Heā€™s doing about the same as Clarke in his 2nd season before he buggered off to Port Vale. Weā€™re running at around midtable and considering the backing heā€™s had this window Iā€™d expect that to be the minimum expectation this season. I still think itā€™s going to take a bit of time to adjust without Draper, just hope it doesnā€™t take too long as history suggests the 2nd half of the season isnā€™t our friend.


Iā€™ll wager that Clopps replacement or indeed any other manager being replaced wonā€™t be talking about incremental progress or 5 year plans.

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Thatā€™s a nonsensical statement Liverpool are still in that incremental stage they have improved their game immensely over the past few years and at the moment are top of the league and in all the cups but every club hopes to make incremental improvements you canā€™t always have success immediately you have to work hard on and off the pitch to make it work wich matt and trivela are in the early stages are doing


Plus being in the enviable position of having such a squad and millions from revenue. BUT, whoever it is will have big boots to fill and will need to carry on where Klopp left offā€¦otherwise the Kop will turnā€¦

Clopps on the other hand is a bit of a donkeyā€¦always clippity clopping everywhere he went :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If we finish below 12th em of the season with the players sadler has at his disposal then for me he goes at seasons end and we try a new manager for the summer
A different manager could get more of a time of the players we have got cus on paper itā€™s a decent side