Trivela Group Takeover

The apathy has been sinking in for several years now but it has hit a real height at the moment. This is the first season that I haven’t renewed my season ticket after a long summer of deliberation. I can sit back now and genuinely say that I feel relieved and grateful that I am not beholden to the Bescot this season, which also makes me feel a great sense of sadness for feeling this way.


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I’m not disputing that at all mate. I probably should’ve framed my post better as I was talking about my own ‘individual’ sense of apathy, not the fanbase


I can’t get this phrase “incremental progress” out of my head.

Is there any kind of progress which isn’t incremental? The very nature of cause-and-effect sees to that.

Take something which takes just 1 minute to do, like making a sandwich, polishing a table, or making love. Those acts can still be broken down into incremental stages - doesn’t mean they take a long time.

I’m genuinely amazed that they can reach 1500 never mind 3000 after what has been served up over the last 10 seasons .it’s like waiting to come up on the premium bonds supporting in Walsall .if you do win it will be 25 quid every 20 years .

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Why the surprise ? We have a loyal and supportive base which me and my family are proud to be members of. We won’t give up on our town and our club. The early bird offers are good and we would be fools not to buy as we will be at most matches.
This site is not a true reflection of the love we have for our team and some people on here are simply here to criticise. I am not sure what they achieve but if it makes them happy who am I to argue.


@Andy_Petterson join up the dots

There are clubs who’ve been to beyond the brink who are now excelling.

When was the last time we could have been considered as a club who excels. The day Dean Smith left as he picked up every element of the club and got it moving. People at the club tried to call it the Walsall way but now we know whose way it was.

We can’t be ready to accept mediocrity again.

We can’t be okay with sailing close to choppy waters again for another season.

Trivella aren’t delivering a winning football team and show no signs yet of doing it. Sadler is part of the problem he’s there guy.

Who took two seasons to deliver a winning football side.

You’re adding nothing new. We know we probably aren’t getting promoted this season. We could see that from the signings made and the debuts given to the likes of Williams.

We were promised more attacking football and that has been delivered, other than the last two games which have been disappointing, but hardly panic stations. We’re not going to go down to 10 men every game.

Your posts are the equivalent of shouting at the clouds.


Fair play to you if that’s what you want to do I’m not knocking you .(been there done it still a supporter a fan) .if you enjoyed what’s being offered and want to attend on a regular basis that’s fine .it’s no longer the priority for me that it once was .I have better and more enjoyable experiences to do at weekends .I think the club is very lucky that they can still attract 3000 season ticket holders .and it’s about time they realised it and reward that loyalty with a an entertaining product match day that’s my view yours seem to be around loyalty and love we have for our team.maybe you deserve a little bit of that back from Walsall fc

We saw instant signs Dean Smith was a capable football manager. We saw good signings. We saw leadership. Even amidst winless runs we played well.

We’ll revisit this conversation in April. He’ll be gone. I’ll gladly be wrong - but feel I won’t be.

Back to shouting at the clouds for me :sob: I did like that one !

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For me it stands to reason that more people will pipe up if it’s perceived that things aren’t quite right. If things are going great, what is there to say?

Slight thing to pick up there, and I do share your concern, but the team has won and is capable of it. The thing is a performance like Saturday’s does dent the confidence. Having our old manager beat us the week before doesn’t help. I don’t think supporters can be blamed for feeling a bit down at the moment. We’re only humans who love our club.


In fairness, whilst people shouldn’t be judging Sadler after 9 games in terms of sacking him, the flip side of that is declaring more attacking football has been “delivered” in what has been by an large inconsistent performances, especially when followed up by….

If more attacking play is seen on a consistent basis then we can have a debate about it being delivered.

Nonsense. By any measure weve been far more attacking than last season.

You do know that the other side adapts their plans to nullify our attacks? You do know we had two players sent off?

It would be hard not to be more attacking than the second half of last season. I’m still not even sure what that was.

I don’t see this front foot football Sadler talked about though, we are still struggling to get 40% of the ball. Sending offs don’t help obviously but it is part of the game and even 11 v 11 we are usually spending a lot of time without the ball. You don’t have to have more of the ball to win of course, but it’s not like we are quick and decisive on the counter.

To be fair I thought we would plod along okay this season from what I had seen but with the center back situation now it is a bit concerning we could get dragged in.


Exactly how I feel/felt.

Didn’t think we would struggle, but equally didn’t think we would threaten the top 10.

Saturday concerned me. It was like the dark days of the MT reign.

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I think they are trying to give us more entertainment but we don’t have much luck with injuries to key players (hence Flynn’s depression last season) and this new squad is inexperienced but I think shows some promise. Whether that is right we will only know as the season progresses…
One other point if people don’t go then there will less money for players. I could understand that in the latter years of JB 's reign but that is well over.
One further point the football is only one aspect of the afternoon or evening(important as that is) the other being meeting friends, old and new, for banter and chat. I think being part of a community with a shared interest is an essential part of life for me. My church, my bowls in the summer, my football in the winter all add to life’s rich pattern!!!


[quote=“Cowsheddek, post:2347, topic:8240”]
it’s like waiting to come up on the premium bonds supporting in Walsall .if you do win it will be 25 quid every 20 years .
[/quote]well I really do hope for you and everyone else , this season or next we have that win .beginning to think our number not in the draw .

In fairness I have never asked! I very much doubt it though, that would be worth advertising as I immagine there are quite a few armed forces fans. I can think of 10 just in the RN.

Well my information is that they do indeed do it, advertised or not. If you know some service personnel, tell them to give the club a call and ask.

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My Son sometimes comes along to the home games if he is visiting us… He gets a free Forces ticket from the window when he shows his ID.
Not a season ticket but always gets a free ticket when he asks on the day.