Trivela Group Takeover

It doesn’t look char-grilled to me either
That looks like catering tomatoes sauce to and not Daddies

I’m starting to think you’ve never attended a football match full stop… let alone a Walsall one. :joy::crazy_face:


Let’s be honest, Pomlett can’t pick a Manager, DoF! He chose the current owners…how blessed are we!!!

So yeah you are right. Early bird stopped seasons ago and my mate just gets his 15% discount. That being said he uses Armed Forces discount so the ticket price is down from £400 to £310 which is before discount. His little boy is 7 so pays £10…

The point with the comparison is that I felt with more incentives like I put above and this membership scheme it makes us more invested and have control where our money goes. Feel like we are getting more back because the football rarely gives us that. Most of the hardcore Walsall support would go even if we were National League so if only 1k were interested in spending the £10 a month membership that could be 120k into the academy each year for example.

Handing over cash just to fill a Mortgage, Saddlers Club, Hussey retirement fund is a little depressing. Immagine if we had some control over it and got somthing back too. Money we would pay towards the expenses of a proper scout travelling to a game to find us the next Jorge Leitao.

Some clubs have excellent Scran at games, people used to compliment our Balti Pies. I picked up somthing like this, called piggy fries and they were £3.25 sold from a private vendor who usually do farmers markets or food festivals. Thats pulled BBQ Pork and a slice of bacon on chips.

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Well you’re obviously happy with the value for money for a £5.50 burger, pleased for you.

Anyone used their membership pass for anything at all yet? X


Can’t see it catching on.


Don’t get me wrong.

I like the idea in principle but not sure how well it would do in practice at our club with a much smaller fanbase.

Plymouth are regularly getting 16k home crowds.
About 1-2k of those are away fans leaving at least 14-15k home fans of which about 9k are season ticket holders. That’s a lot more people to choose from.

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I wonder what people who sit at home and watch iFollow for free expect. They are not providing any funds to the club at all and expect investment in the playing side. They will be wanting the club to pay for food to be delivered to their house at half time soon


How’s about the club shows ambition and gives the fans something to get behind? Until then nobody can blame the fans who are sick to death of failure and crap football year after year. To rub salt into wounds the yanks had the nerve to up the prices while appointing the cheapest option and a rookie but yeah let’s blame the fans


I agree.

I’m going into pure conspiracy theory mode here, but I wonder, if the next 2 seasons give us the same level of overall crapness as the previous 7 (!) and the owners need a new angle to sell tickets on, will there be a show “sacking” of Boycott, with a new guy grinning an even nicer smile, to convince us that the old system is being scrapped and a new vision of incremental progress is to be implemented? Or even a whole new company appearing out of thin air?

They can’t credibly sack Sadler, at least not for a while, because after several months of interviews he was chosen with condsiderable fanfare as the person central to the club’s long-term plan. There’s no Director of Football to act as an emergency fall guy.

The reason my mind goes down this avenue is because tickets are currently being sold on promises and conditions of being patient. When that well dries up, it’ll have to be renewed or changed somehow, but Trivela’s colours have been pinned so firmly to Sadler’s mast that I only see creative thinking being the way out for them if a real rot sets in.


That seems to be in line with what lots of other clubs charge according to the prices advertised for our away game tickets, but don’t we do free season tickets our own fans in the armed forces?

anyone else just simply losing interest in this club anymore?


I sit here taking my first look at the L1 table

Oxford, big club but not without there issues doing well

Stevenage and Vale who you wouldn’t have been shocked to see in the bottom 4 see on course to have enough points to stay up by the new year - maybe even have a tilt and the playoffs

Other clubs like us Cambridge, Bristol Rovers, Exeter all comfortable.

It’s not hard WFC.

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I lost interest in funding failure, don’t think you can ever truly lose interest in the club you’ve followed from being a kid.


Yes and clubs like Oldham Rochdale and Southend not so comfortable.

Stop with this cherry picking nonsense. Identify an actual benefit that these clubs do that Walsall could actually copy or shut up.


In my view, the primary reason for this has been the overselling of infrastructure. Just to be clear, I’m not advocating that no long-term plans on infrastructure should be made. That would be foolish. What I think, though, is that it’s not a strong enough reason for customers (sorry to use that word, but ultimately it’s true) to want to pay decent money for in an ever more-expensive world.

I emphasise again that this is only my view, but I think Saturday’s performance more than result has worried some people. If we go toe-to-toe at home with a fairly average peer, but lose out to the odd goal, you can chalk that up to just bad luck, “fine margins”, or the other lot just had a bit more on the day. This isn’t what happened. We were nowhere near the required level from the start, and in the context of 7 years of general disappointment and false dawns, the concern is that more of the same lies ahead.

There’s something to be said for both angles to this. For me it makes sense to cherry-pick success stories because that’s what we ought to emulate. Inversely, you would cherry-pick the failures when deciding what not to do. So to take Walsall out of the equation for a moment, what have Cambridge, Bristol, and Exeter done that Oldham, Rochdale, and Southend haven’t?


yes. Give actual things that clubs do well/badly that we can contrast what Walsall do with.

Just naming clubs doing well is pointless. About as insightful as those voyeurs who say the names of Alan, Bill, Dave Gerry, Fred, Martin might mean something to you.

@Andy_Petterson yeah great point.

And we as a football club are going to go down one of two routes.


I’m only looking one way at the moment and it’s worrying

Well Cambridge, Bristol Rovers and Exeter have all been non-league, so I’m not really sure you are providing any sort of coherent point.