Vacancy: First Team Physiotherapist

Looks like we are looking for a new physiotherapist. We definitely need one with all the injuries.

Get Whitney back! #inourdreams


I wonder if we’re going with 2 physios now. Or maybe Obed is going?

We really struck gold with a backroom staff comprising of Whitney, O’Kelly, Cutler, and Ward. Doubtful that we’ll ever have individuals of that calibre in the same place at the same time again.


We really need a top class physio to sort these long-term injuries out. I know a lot of clubs have had injuries this season, but ours have been almost ridiculous.
When Whitney was here as a physio we never had players out for months at a time (apart from torn ACL’s or broken bones, etc) like we do know. The club needs to do it’s homework on this new hire and get this appointment right.


I may be wrong, but I think that Whitney may have developed a bit of a Jesus status with some of our fans with respect to healing the sick.
Might look it up at some point when I can be arsed, but a few long term injured come to mind immediately such as Mantom and Cuvelier. Sure there will be plenty of others too.


I’m not arguing against your point, cos honestly I don’t really know. Some players for whatever reason are just prone to injury, I’d put Cuvelier in that bracket, ruined his career really. If I remember rightly, Mantom had some freak accident and fell down a hatch while he was on holiday, and missed a lot of the season.

I think he did a good job of keeping Bradshaw available who had a lot of problems with hamstring injuries. When did Whitney join us, he was with us quite some time wasn’t he?


There is no way Walsall could have signed someone like Bielek (zero appearances) from Arsenal if he didnt have that rehabilitation reputation.

I suspect Whitney was very key back in the day we had small squads at keeping them all available. Lets not forget we used to have 15 players. Cuvelier ended up retired from injury and Mantom dropped into non league. Odd sticks to beat the guy with to be honest.

I think to try and change the narrative on that is immensely disrespectful to him. (He also told Wolves to fu off and chokeslammed Chris Morgan).


This guy is 2/1 on BetFred…Lump on


I’m not having a go at him, just an observation given the cult like status he has from some.
Yes, he’s a good physio

We churn through physios at quite a rate these days, and yet every season we have lots of long term injuries :thinking:


The amount of injuries could also be due to the different styles of play in the past few years. With Smith we had a lot of possession and lower intensity.
I dunno…


Mantoms was a freak injury was it not. Didn’t he get hurt on his Summer Holiday. Lost his footing ? Tripped / Fell.

We’ve had several players (and managers, possibly DS) who’ve said that the Strength and Conditioning / Recovery under JW kept some of the golden oldies we’ve had - Macken, Julian Gray etc going.

you won’t ever see when a good physio or S&C is doing a top job because the players are playing.

Truth is I think we’ve noticed an increase in injuries / long term absence or reoccurring knocks since JW left. He had a whole department. Now we don’t even have a physio fresh out of uni.

Hannah? Was my favourite :heart_eyes:

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This is a big factor imo. Plenty of sides are inept at keeping the ball in league two but we are proper rubbish at it. Which is fine if you’ve got someone to hold it up…

Made even harder when you always concede first and are chasing the game.

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