I don’t get if pomlett truly cared like I believe he does why he accepts constant failure?
Why do gamble and mole have on him!
Anyone else in any job would be sacked for sheer incompetence
I just don’t get it, like they want us to fail
What worries me and we all know it Dutton would still In charge now if Pomlett had his way so we’re going to have to get really bad before anything has to happen
I you feel you’ve been steadfastly critical of the regime then fair enough, but I don’t think you have.
Don’t get me wrong, I agree with all you’ve said, but it’s nothing we didn’t already know (in essence), just the circumstances make it feel fresh.
If you now feel we all need a clarion call to action, then you are rather late, and I’m afraid with our apathetic fanbase, it will fall on deaf ears, but you are correct that we do. If you can be the one to coalesce enough fragments to actually make a difference then I am right behind you.
I’ve often said that we are fed lines and some optimism every so often, but it is shallow, and a facade, and yet swallow it we do. I’ve also said several times that I have suspicions that at best Pomlett is too close to Jeff to ever make a difference - take the retention of Mole and Gamble (most of the reason why are off field issues are what they are), having the same board (esp Whalley), or at worst he is just a puppet.
Just imagine if all of these issues were compiled by someone that had spent thousands for a wedding event in the Stadium Suite, they’d all sit up and take notice then
Not to excuse our club’s many reported failings today but it was taking 40 minutes for Rochdale fans to get into the ground today. I’m told one old bloke tried to scan a £20 note. Don’t think he tried to use his ‘Morrison’s More’ card though.
We’ve had six years of going backwards on the pitch. Off the pitch it is more like a dozen. The two are linked and would have ran concurrently had Smith and O’Kelly not done their work so well.
The tolerance of poor performance at the top of the organisation is breathtaking and unlike any I’ve known.
I genuinely believe that Fullerton will act if his bit of the organisation continues to fail. I get a sense that guy means business. But the rest of the top table is very very lucky. Must be around 25 quarters of retrograde performance in the core element of the business juxtaposed with ongoing customer experience failure. That kind of thing is rarely tolerated.
There are Walsall fans on social media that I thought didn’t have it in them to say a bad word about the club or even hear one without jumping to their defence. Absolutely tearing strips out of the club about today.
I didn’t attempt to buy anything today because it just looked like too much hassle with two kids with me. I’d probably have spent 10 to 15 quid, but they clearly don’t want it. I have just accepted it now and don’t buy anything, not out of any kind of protest, I wish they would have my money but I’m not going to struggle and miss half the game with two kids with me.
You aren’t going to attract and keep new fans this way, more likely to lose diehard fans if anything.
There are pages upon pages upon pages of all of the above issues repeated time and again across this site.
We all know what the main common denominators are in the failures but what the hell can you do. Its like talking to a brick wall
Said for ages on here they don’t give a monkey’s about the fans we are viewed as an annoyance trust me glad people are seeing it now.ISSA approached the club last year with an offer of investment for a place on the board which was rejected for reasons mentioned above yet an slo with links to Gamble and Bonser just gets it investment free anyone else see a problem here
Club will NEVER move forward unless there is accountability, or a genuine benefactor.
My mate is a Brentford fan, we used to go to games in the 00’s when we’d play each other regularly, we had similar fanbases, similiar attendances, and similar ambitions.
Now I’m forced to congratulate him for beating Arsenal in the big time, whilst we get spanked by a club in a town of 6k people, who’ve been in the FL for less than 5 years!!
Some fans have accepted it as well though mate stuck up for Bonser Dutton Whitney etc etc hope they have finally awoken to the mismanagement of this club
I’d also add when we got there before the game we were told that the pre-ordering of half time drinks was not being allowed anymore.
This is another thing that if managed properly would alleviate the queuing as they could start pouring the drinks 5-10 mins before.
Can probably guess who some of them are mate
Good job i hadn’t paid for a drink for half time though mate, wouldn’t of been happy to be told they had non
Pomlett is big enough to be held to account for things in his own regard. Please don’t go down this worn-out path again. If I were Pomlett I would not consider anything that was being said to me if it was put to me in this way.
They’d have just poured you a can of Banks’s Mild that probably cost them £1 from the wholesaler while charging you £3.50 for the privilege.
The thing with football is that there are literally league tables published every week to show you how your club is doing. You draw a line from May 2016 to now and the decline is really stark and undeniable. I know we are 92nd out of 92 after only two games in the current season but you draw that line and this season’s natural place isn’t far from where we are now.
I think there are green shoots on the pitch but it is very very fragile. The club has been horribly mismanaged and that is objectively true - not just another mal- contented fan’s view on a forum. It’s like a managed decline towards non-league.
I have had a fantastic day at Boldmere today, great beer choice good football and fantastic atmos i think that i will be going again for £7
It’s just a shame that Walsall have lost touch with the fan base
We’ve lost fans to Rushall believe it or not mate
All i want is good value for money entertainment and sadly WFC are unable to supply that so i will look somewhere else