Walsall v Aston vile

Live stream on the viles you tube channel

Who will be our second centre half tonight? 37 year old Chambers playing out of position? Does Czuzman have a pair of boots?


Hopefully we get tonked by both the Vile and Ajax , maybe the board might wake up and take note.

Can the mystery Cypriot triallist pay centre-half?

Might be like Barnstoneworth versus Denly Moor.

“There’s just the four of them turned up, and only three of them’s got shorts”.

Then Marshy turns up driving the 1998 team bus…dream on.

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In case anyone at the club is reading this (just to pass on my interest levels):

If the club paid ME £12 I still wouldn’t attend this bore fest.

As you were !


I don’t know who is more skint: us or the Vile!


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Could never wish for villa to beat us, f’'k 'em

The annual Bonser cash fest no thanks

The link, for those not heading to the Bezla…

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Doesn’t look like a cashfest tonight

  • the Walsall end is empty. So far, we have had as many chances as Villa but the quality of our finishing has been poor. I think it was Cook who missed our best chance but Ismail (no. 10?) also missed a good chance. Oh and Devlin ain’t got any better over the summer!

Walsall look like they’ve just met!

Morris and Parker respectively. Zeli not on the pitch. Awful defending.

Yes, I was watching on my phone with no sound - didn’t realise Parker was playing. It ain’t looking good for the coming season, is it?

Of course it is awful defending we have a left back who has played once before and a CH who probably met his team mates as they got changed!! we must be in the worst pre season position since Ray Graydon took over and I don’t think Dean is another Ray! I am really worried about the position we are in…we need 5 players who can play at this level within the next 2 weeks. I watched some of that half on Youtube…we were simply dreadful . Come on Walsall get it together.

Use the match thread, peeps.