Club Statement

Ok he’s rubbish at his job… better?

Why are you making this about you? :joy:🤦

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I’m not

The good news from this is that it isn’t going to be Chris Turner.

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If it was going to be Chris Turner, he’s probably run a mile after reading the UTS comments.

No statement today then, no real surprise. Cannot wait for player of the year probably go to lavery, or Gordon my vote goes to Holden even thought hasn’t played much this season,there again none of the team has really played much football this season.

I would still vote for Ade, and make them present it to him at his new club, it would send a statement to the club.


Think we should all vote for Nolan


I thought it might be to announce tinky winky,La la and Po where coming in to take over,then I realised they are already here.

I might vote for Ian Roper this year.

I’m going to vote for Kinsella… the bloke has tried.

And is also rubbish.

So is Norman, but bizarrely they’re probably the best 2 of an absolutely dreadful bunch.


My vote goes to Adnan George(think that was his name).


Adebayo despite leaving still our best player this season by a mile.

And me mate who else is there? tat the lot of them.

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Gone off Norman recently spending too much time diving and trying to cheat not for me that.


I’ve got to say this in Dan Mole’s defense. I’ve met him a couple of times and the man could not have been nicer or more cordial. We have also exchanged several emails over the years, from my observation he’s a top man who cares passionately about the club.
I don’t understand the hatred towards him and Gamble, they are (imo) very professional and competent. I seriously doubt Bonser or Pomlett would have employed them should that not have been the case.
I would doubt if any of us could do their jobs, if you could then more power to you, but running a football club in good times is hard enough work, add in the virus and no income makes it an almost impossible task.


I think we have found the mole hahaha!!!


Employed them because they are yes men.