Colin Lee 'Worst Manager Ever'

I remember a mate of mine was a manager for a gas company, and he booked a once in a lifetime holiday for his wife’s 50th birthday to Mauritius, but his company told him he would have to cancel because there was another manager off at the same time, he said he couldn’t do that to his wife, so they said if you go you will be sacked, he thought ye right :grin: when he got back they had taken his company car back, and he found a letter terminating his employment.
On the point of company’s paying your wages I get that, but where do they get off controlling your life outside of work? If my company tried to do that to me then I would just tell them to get stuffed, but I am in a fortunate position, if it had been 3-4 years ago I wouldn’t be happy but I would have to grit my teeth and bear it.

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No it’s literally against the law mate. They can’t “think” about it whatever the circumstances.

But yeah, back to JL. Wasn’t he playing for Jamaica during that time? Hardly like he was having a jolly is it? Clearly Lee thought he needed a break.


Can we put this into context we are not talking about a 9 till 5 employee here but s professional footballer who works a couple of hours a day 5 days a week. If your team mates are struggling would you not want to get back to help them out ?.

I’m no Angel but I’m certainly big enough to understand that there can be 2 sides to every story.

To you or me, who have an every day job, that might seem the case.

I think Masi made this point though in one of his podcasts. It’s easy to forget they are just normal blokes (and playing for Walsall even more normal) that just see this as a job. That’s all it is to them. They have the same duty to the club as I do to my employer. It’s why they have the right to leave as soon as they are offered more money.

I’m not sure about holding people to a higher standard of morals than myself simply because they have a job I’d quite like.

So you’d be fine with it then if your boss rung you two days into your leave this year and cancelled it? Cos personally I wouldn’t give a toss what the other side of the story was.

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But didn’t he come back and was never played?

OK, your employer can’t insist on you coming back to work while you are already away on properly booked leave, and nothing they can do if you say no, but if they ring and say “We’ve got a crisis on here - the only person who can get us out of it is you and if we don’t sort it we could go out of business and then you won’t have a job to come back to. PS We will make it up to you”, what would you do?

In this case though, wouldn’t have thought it would be a case of JL putting in a leave request out of his x days allocation and then being away somewhere on a beach and having to get an early plane home. The squad would probably have been given a date to report back for pre-season training and he was told he could come back a couple of weeks later than the rest.

BTW Chunky’s manager mate probably booked the holiday before he requested the time off, or at worst had the time off agreed then rescinded with sufficient notice - or else he would have had a case for wrongful dismissal.

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First of all calm down.

And like I previously said, you don’t have any facts. I’m sure Colin Lee and the club would have a different version of events.

Have you thought for one moment that had it been illegal in any sense the club would of blocked it?


Different times now. My job and my company come first for me as that’s what keeps my family fed and gives them the nice things in life holidays etc. Fortunate never to have had to claim a penny of the state. Most footballers have no reception of the real world and many squander the talent that they have been given.

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Eurgh, perfectly calm mate. Sorry that asking a question gave you the wrong impression.

Hold on, I never said what they did is illegal? I answered somebody based on THEIR employment and how THEY would feel under those same circumstances (where it would be illegal). But clearly you are not going to answer that question straight up.

Unless your boss cancels them.

A more common football scenario:

Players don’t just “work” for 90 minutes on matchdays, they are expected to go to training sessions (can be repercussions if you don’t - such as Lukaku just this week) and put in other “reasonable” hours as required by the club.

If Thursday is a scheduled training session but you have a match on the Wednesday the gaffer will probably tell everyone to have the day off. However, if the team put in a stinker he might cancel that at short notice and tell everyone that he expects them in first thing in the morning. Would you then say they have the right to be ■■■■■■ off because they’d made plans for that extra day off?

Yeah. If I ■■■■ up at work my boss doesn’t make me work Saturday. And if he tried to I’d tell him I had plans.

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To look at the wider question,does this tell us anything new? Even those who rated Lee wouldn’t claim his people skills were brilliant, but there’s far from enough here to make him the “worst manager,ever.” If his reputation suffers from this, it’s because he decided to sign Lawrence, who gives the same impression he did as a player.


Think your onto something there.

He also goes onto say Martin Allen was not his sort of man either.

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Ooh clever response

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Careful guys, it’s been far too quite on numerous threads as stated previously, seems like a common denominator has awoken😳

He also tries to sidestep any personal responsibility for being part of that Tuesday club.

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