Should the 2019/20 football season be…
- Cancelled
- Completed after suspension
- Completed behind closed doors
If cancelled, should promotion/relegation be…
- Recinded
- Actioned based on current league positions
- Other (One off Play-Offs, Round Robin etc)
Should Euro 2020 be…
- Postponed
- Played behind closed doors
I would cancel the season and kick off next season with everyone in the same divisions as they started this one - minus Bury of course.
The main reason I would do this, is that at a serious, worrying time, we could all do with a laugh, and I can think of nothing funnier than Liverpool being denied their first Premier League title.
Prediction league should also be cancelled @Belphegor .
Pretty confident I’d have made a late surge.
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My perfect scenario would be:
Finish the league off in the summer. Postpone Euros until next summer, then in two years time play the league in the summer in advance of the Qatar World Cup.
3 summers of football out of four The silver lining of Coronavirus
I rather prefer football in the winter. Something to do on dark, cold, wet winter Saturday’s.
Those who have voted for suspension will have wait a long time for a resumption in my view if the boffins are correct in their assumptions. I think the season is effectively over. I am totally opposed to playing the games behind closed doors as our Manager stated this morning.
Games played behind closed doors is the worst scenario for me. I watched the Wolves game last night and without fans it was painful. Basically a training session.
Plus not like we’re ever on the telly to watch it.
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If it can be completed in the summer, then start next season in early autumn and as a one-off run without cup competitions. This would save heavy fixture congestion, especially for us!
Wow, I’m impressed. DC quoting you now
The peak ain’t due for another 4 weeks at least, can’t see games going ahead at all, then players contracts will be up in some circumstances in June, cancel the season people,s health far more important than a game of football, start again next season.
If DC quoted me more often he would not get into so much trouble
As long as he sticks to quoting you only about football related matters !
I think it would be great if the season started in mid November and ran TIL August. All those extra sun filled drinking weekends .
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Think the leader of the free world would probably believe that everything will be up and running fine again soon.
From his current press conference…
It’s incredible with what’s happened to the sports of the world. They’ve done a great service. We can learn and we will turn a corner on this virus. Some of these doctors say it will wash through, it will flow through. Interesting terms. And very accurate. In a number of weeks I think you will find it’s a very accurate term.
This virus is getting more serious by the hour, i think the whole country will be in lock down within the next week, i can’t imagine what it will do to peoples businesses
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Im a mobile car valeter . Its my own small buisness and ive had 2 customers this week cancel becasue of the risk of spreading it . I never thought it would affect my work. Think your right about the country in lockdown aswell .people are already paniking emptying the shelves in shops and supermarkets … i can see it now the local criminals going round selling toilet rolls and soap from the boot of there cars
This a millions times over.
If we are going to complete this season then the start of next season will almost certainly have to be put back.
We will need to have the playoffs at some point so that we know who is in which league. The quickest way to get to this would be to have matches played behind closed doors.
I cannot see the coronavirus situation being any better on 3 April. It is likely to be much worse.
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