Trust you to putt that in…
Sorry to hear you have finally caught Covid, hope you are very soon on the mend. I will give the team a cheer for you, if there’s owt to cheer about of course
Thanks I am a bit better today.Yes give them a cheer or two but I expect the worse.
Also sorry that you too have succumbed to the dreaded Covid, can be very unpleasant, hope you escape it’s clutches very soon.
I think theyll go for the jugular as they know weve lost confidence and on thr beach Whip there support up. I think theyll be 2 nil up by half time. The boos will be horrendous
I think the wheels will fall off.
Labadie and Wilkinson to get red cards.
Simpson to do a knee slide towards the Walsall supporters (a la Mourinho).
Flynn will rub his face repeatedly, tug on his ear and say, “Not good enough” and blame the ball boys…
Limp on.
Have also lumped on Carlisle 4-2 at same odds and with the princely sum of £1.25 as a stake. So in essence lumping on our competition. Can’t lose either way. It’s a cert. Lump on!
Cash out now
Sums our injury packed season right up that does.
Oh sweet Jesus and all the angels. The season is still going on. And on. And on.
Should be a good following from Cumbria so at least something of an occasion. That’s how slim our pickings have become.
I reckon it’ll be 1- oh I just CBA.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
If only Slim Pickens was still alive he could have become Honorary President of the club. Perhaps we may do a deal with Slim Chickens to provide snap at the ground to improve our “fine” margins?
Who cares anymore another crap season winds down with a whimper sort it out Trivela.
And that is the question of the team which ultimately will decide what happens and what the result of this match is. “Who cares anymore”, I can think of 1 or 2 that will, the question is will the rest or will they be content to let their team mates down.
I should hope they will all be trying their hardest to win the fans back over after the run of results they’ve been getting or I can see this getting ugly.
With Carlisle bringing a good following the atmosphere will hopefully be better and get us home fans making some noise instead of the library level of volume that’s becoming the norm.
One thing I did notice was how Flynn looked so dejected after the loss to Rochdale and mentioned the Easter fixtures and how families come together and spend time together but he can’t because of work.He even sort of backtracked and said that he loves his job to deflect those comments.Deep down I think he is in a really low place at the moment and that can most certainly be noticeable by the players who spend more time than we do with him especially if I’ve noticed it from a 3-4 minute interview.All of this is totally and utterly understandable, he’s a human being at the end of the day but he’s also a manager of a professional(I use that loosely) football club and sometimes you need to give your head a wobble.Everyone is at a low ebb as you can all see by what @RedandWhite touched on with the crowd being so quiet now during home games, but it’s up to the team on the pitch as paid players first and foremost to give the crowd something to get excited about and then secondly for the crowd to respond to a really good performance and a win or two.I’m not sure that that’s going to happen this year but if Flynn is here next season I think he may need to sit down and work out what direction he’s going to go down, is he 100% behind where we want to get too or not because when the manager shows signs of not being 100% committed it transfers to the players and then ultimately it turns into poor performances.This is just my own personal view of course and I’m not suggesting Flynn has given up the ghost I’m just speaking about what I’ve seen and heard from him and making my own judgements.
Don’t you mean “a large travelling gate”
Didn’t want to use someone else’s catch phrase…aka @KingCrod
Properly using another persons catchphrase is never an easy thing to do.
I agree with all of this @Scooby2167.
Without talking about specific people who I know, the tell tale signs of pressure and stress are clear: the before and after of swagger and dejection are difficult to witness and I genuinely feel for Flynn because he is not trying to fail.
My fiancée often says to me, “I don’t know how you can put yourself through the same thing week after week. Can’t you just support someone decent instead?”
Decent is what Walsall fans expect. If we lose one or two games, win the next, and so on.
As much as I predict doom and gloom, I would have loved to play for the club myself and I could never switch allegiances. In fact, one of my old mates from school (30 years ago!) has got a son who’s now 16 and is breaking every goalscoring record going in junior football right now. He’ll probably end up at WBA but there are youngsters out there that could be blooded in league two (I wish Flynn would do this with RAM).
There was a time when I would go to Fellows Park and then Bescot with my dad every other week for years, but although he still loves the club and checks on results, he’s too frail to go now. My lad liked going when Oztumer was lighting up the stage and he loved Jase McCarthy who was a real hero for him. However, he’s gravitated towards more successful teams now and is not interested in going to watch Walsall anymore (and I can’t really blame him because it’s a 3 hour round trip in the car).
In truth, the season is over and we are still a league club. I should also add that the best eleven has never been available to Flynn all season:
The irony is that if Stevens, Wilko and Labadie could start firing, wholesale changes would not be needed (3 key signings would be enough) but they’re either not fit or they don’t seem to care enough (maybe Flynn’s man management skills needs to be better to motivate a performance?)
Finally, Gab Sutton asked fans of league two teams to name their best eleven and the name that I’ve seen come up again and again from rival supporters is Donervan Daniels.
His absence on Friday was a BIG miss.
A win tomorrow would lift the gloom but give the fans a performance, score some goals and play with passion (e.g. the Newport game when Wilko equalised was a 3:3 draw but it felt like a win): a clear example that the average fan expects ‘decent’ and that is often enough…
Hi all, I think I’m correct in saying that, as tomorrow is a Bank Holiday as opposed to a Saturday, there will be parking restrictions in place for the RAC HQ road (Brockhurst Cres?).