D 0-0 vs Forest Green Rovers (H) - League Two - Sat 25th Nov, 3pm

The hope as it is every week is that we’ll win but if we play well and don’t win there will be no complaints from me or the majority of the decent match going fans we all get frustrated so I can forgive the odd boo.

No need to hope We’ve got this

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Draper not coming back from Lincoln then

I’ll be driving most of the day today, so won’t have the usual contact “live”. In our prediction league I’ve put us down for a 2-1 win, so that’s probably the kiss of death…

I look forward to getting home tonight and seeing the highlights of a Big Baz beating (7-0)!!!

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Keep your eyes open for the owl as you drive :crazy_face:


@Belgiansaddler Hopefully there’ll be a parliament to please Big Ben this PM…

A quite severe frost where I am after 24 hours of tumbling temperatures. Any news on a pitch inspection??? If the game does indeed go ahead looks like perfect conditions for ‘Sadball’ today.

It’s still there.


No mention of Mole’s presentation?

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Surely they need to re-issue this in order to insert the details of this presentation?

His presentation definitely needs inserting somewhere


Title of presentation ‘My accomplishmets at WFC’.
It wont take long.


Not likely to affect you, either way, is it mate :rofl:


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It depends if the twunt has wrote it himself :joy:

Both of my boys coming to the game today, they must really love me.

Let’s have a win for them.

Up The Saddlers.



Got a weird feeling Matt will start today if Draper isn’t available (or gets saved for Barrow).

Everyone on about Deeney and Stevens who may or may not be fit themselves but Matt at least has good knowledge of the FGR players given he was there this time last year so think that could play into Sadler’s thinking.

He can’t start DJT anyway otherwise the atmosphere will quickly turn negative for what I think is a must win game.

Drapers trained all week, ifs just a case of “if selected”.


Ah right…he’s straight back in then even if he can only manage an hour.