D 0-0 vs Forest Green Rovers (H) - League Two - Sat 25th Nov, 3pm

Guess it depends on the manner of any defeat if it were to happen. Personally I’m happy to stick with Sadler because he seems to have a degree of long term thinking with regards to his selections.

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We dominated last game , lost 1-0 and the team were booed
If we lose the fans will boo however we’ll we played

Not everyone was booing. I think some fans were a bit annoyed with those booing.


Were they in the SDL?

Come again?

Please God no. Just clap like normal people instead of whacking a bit of cardboard into your hand


I said it would be noisy and boisterous tomorrow. Atmosphere should be electric.

Thunder claps lightning strikes sounds good .

Shhh! Or else you might wake up the regulars. :sleeping:


Some on here talking about Draper…surely he is still at Lincoln getting proper ‘treatment’ or have I missed something?

Yeah you’ve missed something.

I always said you should read my posts :crazy_face:


I know🤗

I’d say he’s definitely “missing something” :smiley:

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Always thought I was amongst friends as a follower of Walsall F.C. it would appear I was wrong.
All I asked was is Draper back at the Bescot?


Lighten up you old git :smiley:


We’re all cut from the same cloth…

It’s curtains for Draper, I think.
“That’s all folks”


You are among friends mate sometimes a printed message doesn’t come across as well as saying it
I don’t think it was meant in a nasty way :wink:


Not denying that
Right or wrong just stating the team were booed after a decent performance
Therefore if we lose however we’ll we play the team may get booed, performance may not matter to some when we’re 16th or worse if we lose x

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Gutted about that and sorely dissapointed
but life goes on.