You obviously work within the club or know someone that does. Personally I found your information interesting but you must understand how some can get frustrated without receiving all of the info. I suppose most (me included) are mainly disappointed because you’re not giving us the info we want to hear, like Bonser reducing rent, a complete rent break etc to help us get promoted at the first attempt. We’ve all got excited about DC’s appointment and just hoped Bonser would give him the tools to do a good job. Sounds like same old which is very disheartening.
I get that. You must also understand I can only hint as so much or it will become obvious. There will be no rent reduction.
Don’t take it heart @shrubster1971 we are mostly a decent bunch on here, with what i think is a healthy but sometimes cutting humour
Thanks for confirming and do stick around
Cheers chaps.
Although there’s a glimmer of hope today everybody’s still hurting about our relegation. There’s not going to be a let up on Bonser anytime soon, it’s gone to far.
Will give us a clue for wage budget ? I.e first number
Sadly, the majority of our fan-base just isn’t up to the task of putting pressure on Bonser, and a group of a couple of hundred (max) just isn’t going to be given any credence.
If we do well under Clarke, especially if what’s being said about budgets is true, then Jeff will continue getting away with it.
I know and we fall for it every time. I’ve gotten a bit giddy today about our new manager (it’s hard not to as we are WFC supporters and want to do well) but deep down know its a crowd pleasing appointment to gloss over the real issues. He’ll hope DC hits the ground running and all will be quiet again for a while.
I bet we had a really “competitive budget” the year we finished above Man City and won promotion.
Budget this budget that, what matters at Walsall FC is using whatever resources you have to create a football team that is better than the sum of its parts. That massively involves having a manager that is up to that task, having players that want to be here and believe in the manager, and who believe that showcasing their talent at Walsall might further their career higher up the football world rather than ones who are content to just pick up a wage knowing that if they go “sigh… ahhh well couldnt really be arsed but can get the same money in the National League”.
Money matters significantly, but its not the be all and end all that some make out.
As for people saying they know we have a budget that is here or there in the hierachy of League two next season, use some common sense, we don’t even know who is going to be in league two next season in respect of 1/5 of the league!! So they are clearly talking RUBBISH!! Hey you heard it here first, its inside info (yawn).
The perfect background to be successful here. Obviously it may all go tits up but no one sensible can criticise the Board for this appointment.
Have no idea who he had working alongside him in the past but this will be important to maintain if he wants his own “team” around him.
Certainly I would hope 99% of those Players and Staff brought in during the Merson, apologies i mean Keates era, are given their ticket.
Bonser is obviously very stubborn man… who’s not going to change his ways… so therefore the only way to get him to budge is too hit him in the pocket where it hurts like Blackpool did… but how many of you are willing to stay away from home games. bearing in mind it would need at least 2k drop in attendance for him to sit up and take notice…taking into account you run the risk of major disruption to the team and new manager resulting in another crap season… me personally will just be getting behind the team and seeing where this new regime will take us. And hoping bonser will get bored of bleeding the club dry (highly unlikely). Its a bitter pill to swallow.
Does anyone know DC’s typical formation he likes to play?
Looking at what the gas fans say it seems as though he plays with wingback but isn’t afraid to change it early if needed.
Totally agree, we’ve had success before as others have battling the financial odds. More difficult obviously- but it can de done.
Really hope DC sorts out the back four because I cannot take a 3rd season of Devlin, Guthrie and Leahy.
Obviously, only time will tell, but he does seem the best we could realistically hope for. Reading through their forum (& other thread on here) it’s obvious he’s held in high esteem by the vast majority of their fans. There was one comment though “I hope he hasn’t taken it just for the money.” !
Great appointment and the right one. Young, ambitious, experienced, now we need to give him the tools to bring in the right kind of players that would rightly be tempted to play for a manager like him.
So happy it’s an outsider coming into the club too. Not a Whitney or Keates appointment, we’re all pleased for the right reasons, his record.
Darrell Clarke’s barmy army!
They are either being sarcastic or have never heard of The Bonemeister
“I hope he hasn’t taken it just for the money.”
Darrell be the day.
Can I have modern examples please because I am struggling? Football is more professional than ever and fairytales are few and far between.
This reaction is typical of Walsall fans and this is part of the reason why there is never any concerted pressure applied to those on the board. One decent appointment and we are over the moon - which is wrong - this is what any fit for purpose board should be doing, we should not be celebrating it! It does not erase 15 years off bullshine; until Bonser addresses the stadium, the ticket prices, the rent and the budget, one half decent managerial appointment on paper means fuck all!