Early Bird Season Tickets 24/25

I think we only won one game during the early bird period.

Just checked, two if you count Salford on the last day of it but I doubt that would influence either way by that time.

We got stuffed at MK and lost at Forest Green, and a couple of uninspiring home draws. Still, I bet there was a lot of back patting going on.

It’s getting more expensive and people are probably getting fed up with the same old. The fact last season was considered a success from within the club says a lot.


Nailed it.

Well we certainly went into the EB period on a wave of optimism with that incredible 5 game winning run putting us within reach of the promised land of the play-offs.

I do agree however I find the general feel of communications from the club and vibe that is coming out is one of real satisfaction over last season, we improved and we had to but we need to improve by at least as much again next season to achieve our goals.

Not surprised if early bird ST numbers are a bit down on 2023. It was probably more of a surprise that the 2023 numbers were as good as they were (by our standards). On a positive note, if we can make a solid start to the season, be within the top 7 by Christmas and look as though we mean businesses, then the half-season ticket sales could be very appealing.


Mine arrived today - but didn’t immediately recognise the email, from Ticketmaster, as coming from the club. If your preview window is limited in scope, it’s easy to miss.

Mine has arrived today

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And mine … still waiting for the refund for the kids

I emailed the club and they say they the below:

I think the ticket office are friendly and helpful always on the ball.


I agree, the best part of the club tbh. Always sort things out


Yep got mine yesterday too, and yes the ticket office are always helpful.

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Seems like the corporate robdogs at Ticketmaster are in control of that. 20th of the month, then…

I’m quite surprised the EB sales aren’t way down from last year. I would imagine some supporters holding off until Trivela has shown their hand in the transfer market.
We have only ourselves to blame for not finishing in the top seven - too many missed opportunities imho.
My main concern was how badly we capitulated during the last month of the season when we were outscored by 17 goals to 5, with 3 of our last five games at home, winning only 1 game!
We just can’t have those types of meltdowns if we’re to achieve anything next season, not only was it embarrassing but completely unacceptable. Sadler has to take his fair share of responsibility too.


In April we scored 11 and conceded 16.In the last five games we scored 6 and conceded 14. No idea where you’ve got 5 and 17 from

In the last 4 games a lot of sites had us with a higher xG than the opposition. Yes even the 5-1 loss to Wimbledon :face_with_peeking_eye:

[runs for cover]

Thinking about it in hindsight we were no where near ready for League one. It would have required a huge rebuild just to survive in my view.

Do you recall in the Buckley years our annual Easter fight against promotions to the next level? It felt that way even if it wasnt although my memory has faded somewhat.

I felt as though the players stepped off the gas as going up would have meant being cast aside to search elsewhere to play. Probably my mind playing games with me :rofl:

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xG, another modern day irrelevant stat.

I think it has its place but isn’t the be all and end all

It really isnt.

Completed passes is the most pointless

xG is quite accurate for the most part.

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I can use my own eyes to see how many chances we miss! :rofl:


Accurate, but useful?