Express and star article on club failings

Are you 10 like ?:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Nah just bored of you chatting beans, so I’ll leave it there. Calling someone a hack in the same sentence you claim to not be having ago illustrates my point better than I ever could :man_shrugging: twice lol

Passive aggressive nonsense.

Whatever :wink:


Private messages or suspension. Your call…


El Nombre ffs :see_no_evil:

How the hell was that my fault? Lol.

Top marks for Exile for stepping in after it was finished :clap: none personal. All on topic. Yet again. Particularly interesting that there was a spat in this very thread that was nothing but personal but didn’t warrant a warning yet this does :man_shrugging:

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This board is lightly moderated and I live in a different time zone. Top marks to you for egging it on.

Any response will be met with suspension. Yes, I can be that petty.

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Good article. The rent is part of the problem. As is the budget. As is the poor decision of its board members. As is the poor decisions by the inadequate and cheap managers they have put in place :ok_hand:

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Top marks to all, but especially for Joe Masi! :grinning:

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