Family ticket

Yes you are quite right. The screen shot I posted on Sunday was the first thing that came up when I Googled ‘Walsall Fc family ticket’ . However, it is wasn’t that explicit on the actual ticket site. To change it now after you have challenged them means they owe you at least an apology.

Strictly speaking, they should really state ‘Parent or Guardian’

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Never got an apology about the whole situation however I recommended a few things and got a ‘thanks for this, will pass it on to make sure it’s easier to understand etc’

What I quoted above was the only reply I got from a very long email I sent to which the rest of the points I made were completely disregarded so was a waste of my time even bothering

Not going to email back or make any sort of effort towards the club in any way until things change

Didn’t always used to be this way. I remember my grandad forgetting his season ticket once. We just went to the steward and said ‘the rest of us have ours, can you check with the ticket office?’. Steward used common sense and let us in, just came to our seats to check we were alright after the game started.

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And they always blame the fans for the long queues when challenged - it’s laughable.

This sort of tripe from the club makes my blood boil. You should have been welcomed with open arms for God’s sake. I hate the phrase, but ‘customer service’ anyone?

In fairness we had an issue earlier this season where we mislaid our tickets and the lady in the office couldn’t be more helpful. I believed customer service was improving at ticket office but it can depend on which one you get.

That’s good news. Unfortunately, it shouldn’t depend on ‘which one you get’ though should it?

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No of course not. I totally agree :slightly_frowning_face:

That’s exactly it.
It appears the only tactic they have of dealing with the extra people queuing is to warn people to turn up early.
Despite this clearly not being enough / not working they appear to just shrug their shoulders and say what more can we do. :roll_eyes:

I bought tickets for the last home game over the phone the day before and sorted the season tickets. They told me to make sure I got there early to collect as they’d be busy with it being final early bird day. I said that was fine as we get the train up in the mornings so are regularly at the ticket office just after 10. We either walk into town or get the next train.
However most fans aren’t going to turn up several hours early to get tickets then hang around waiting for the game to start. I wouldn’t be surprised if most fans turn up from 2pm onwards.

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Had to laugh at the “pitch encroachment” statement,
1 we would have to score a goal
2 i don’t think that there will be many fans wanting to run onto the pitch to celebrate with players on the last game at bescot , unless they are worried for the safety of the players? :rofl:

This was the perfect opportunity in this statement from the club to say…1 adult 1 junior and you do NOT have to be the child’s parent , grandparent or uncle . Why :see_no_evil:.
But then again I suppose there is no way of enforcing this unless they do a DNA test at the turnstiles I suppose.

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So if it ain’t your kid you need an ‘in loco parentis’ slip signed by a parent. Or something that looks like it was at least. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Didn’t want to make a new topic for a ticket question so I’m gonna ask it here sorry… any idea if the two games for £20 still works if you just walk up to the ticket office on the day of Southend?

I have a mate at work who for some reason wants to attend both games but social media just says call the ticket office… I tried tweeting the club on my lunch but I was ignored. They’ve probably muted me to be fair. Any ideas, has anyone else asked this and been given an answer? I’d assume it would be okay, but they seem to keep pushing the whole call the ticket office thing.

No information on this as usual mate.

If I ever have any queries I ring the ticket office.


I assume going up on the day will be fine but they’re pushing the call the ticket office line to try and encourage more sales in advance to avoid queues on the day.
Of course this tactic never works but that won’t stop them! :roll_eyes::rofl: